Storm (Linear Tactical #10) - Janie Crouch Page 0,15

Noah said, finishing his coffee. “Or if you’re really an angel, both of them.” He batted his eyelashes at her.

She let out a laugh so loud that the kids turned and looked at her in surprise. “Sorry, I’m all right.” She waved to them.

The kids smiled at each other and began playing with the puppies once more.

“There is no way in hell you are saddling me with both of those demons.”

He grinned. “Damn it, foiled again. But one?”

“It won’t make the pups sad to split them up, will it?”

“Nope. Not with your two rugrats to play with one and the other will have Corfu to keep company.”

She smiled. “Okay then. Let me just make sure it’s all right with the New Journeys guidelines before I talk to the kids about it. It would be nice for them to have a pet. I know they wanted one. Are you sure I can’t pay you for it? Cash? Or maybe lasagna?”

“First of all, I will take lasagna any day that you are willing to bring it. But I cannot rightfully charge you for taking one of the demon pups when you’d be helping me so much.”

That warmth again. More defrosting of frozen parts. “Okay. I’ll bring lasagna of my own free will.”

“There is one thing you can give me in exchange for the dog. Actually, scratch that.” He turned to face her more completely. “It really has nothing to do with the dog but there’s something I’d like to ask you. Don’t give me an answer today, I just want you to think it over.”

Marilyn had no idea what he could be talking about. “What?” Her voice was wary.

His green eyes pinned hers. “Let me train you. Let me show you some basics in self-defense—things specifically for people your size—so you can have a fighting chance.”

“Against Jared?”

He nodded. “I saw your face. We both know that he won’t be in jail forever. I want you to be able to sleep soundly whether he’s behind bars or not. I know two dozen ways to kill somebody with my bare hands without even thinking about it.”

He reached out and gently touched her fingers where they rested on the step. “Let me teach you how to protect yourself.”


“Today I’m going to touch you. You’re ready.”

Noah carefully watched Marilyn’s face as he said it to see if she was, in fact, ready for him to touch her.

It was their third week of training. She’d been showing up twice a week for him to go over self-defense moves with her. So far, they’d focused on what she could learn in any basic self-defense course.

It was a start, but nowhere near the level of preparation Noah wanted for her by the time they were finished.

He’d spent a good deal of time on the phone with Zac Mackay getting his advice about what exactly to include in Marilyn’s lessons. Zac’s company, Linear Tactical, taught a lot of different self-defense and situational awareness courses, so Zac knew what to add. Plus, Zac had met Marilyn personally since she was friends with Annie, and knew the woman’s petite size and gentle disposition.

Fighting and hurting someone else went against Marilyn’s very nature.

She naturally wanted to care for others. She was kind, giving. Someone who should be protected and cherished.

But that option had been stolen from her, so Noah was determined to give her the tools that would enable her to defend herself.

For the past three weeks, he and Marilyn had been concentrating on self-defense basics and general strength-building. They’d discussed the body’s most vulnerable places. They’d worked on developing her core strength and how to throw a punch effectively, using her whole torso rather than just her arm. He’d showed her multiple exercises she could do at home, using her body weight to improve her overall strength.

They’d both been pleased to see the difference it made in what she was learning. She was obviously working hard at home, as well as here.

They’d also spent the last week with him showing her the basics of using a handgun—specifically, his Glock 19. She didn’t own any weapons, didn’t want them around the kids, and he understood that. But she still needed to be able to use the gun if it came down to it.

They spent the first thirty minutes of every session with the gun. Reloading. Safety on and off. How to hit what she was aiming for.

She was never going to win any marksman competitions, but she could at least pick up the Copyright 2016 - 2024