Storm Born Page 0,86

fail? Maiwenn herself? This latter thought bothered me. She'd seemed more or less trustworthy, despite her bland personality. If she turned into an enemy, it was going to create some serious friction between Kiyo and me.

We finished breakfast, and Dorian declared we had to go outside for our lesson. I took one look at him and the scalding sunshine and saw imminent disaster for that perfect, alabaster skin. Figuring he wouldn't want my prissy, vanilla sunscreen, I dug him out a wide-brimmed cotton hat of Tim's that looked only mildly ridiculous.

"Are you going to be able to do this?" I asked, leading Dorian out to my back patio. Tim had left for drumming practice, but Kiyo followed us, still watchful. "Your magic's weaker on this side."

Dorian draped his elegant robes over a lawn chair. "Not me who needs to do the magic. And really, I doubt you will either. Not in the way you're thinking of. Hmm...yes, this area may work better than I'd hoped."

He surveyed the patio area and the small grassless yard surrounded by a stucco wall. Dragging up another chair, he set it near the center of the patio, facing the house, and beckoned me to it. I sat down.

"Now what? More meditation?"

He shook his head. "Now we need a bowl of water."

"Kiyo? Can you grab us one? There's a big ceramic bowl in the back of one of my cupboards."

Kiyo silently complied, looking as though leaving us alone for even one minute would result in Dorian trying something. I found that protectiveness endearing, albeit a bit over the top.

And then Dorian did try something.

"What are those?" I exclaimed.

"Think of them as...learning aids."

He had produced a handful of silken cords from the deep pockets of his robe, all in different colors.

"What are you - no. You are not serious."

He had moved behind my chair and grasped my hands. I jerked away.

"You're trying to tie me up?"

"Not for sinister purposes, I assure you, although if you'd like to experiment with them later, I'd be happy to show you their various and sundry uses. For now, simply trust me that they'll be useful."

I continued to regard the cords warily. He shook his head, smiling. Moving behind me, he gently ran his hands down my arms. "You still don't trust me. And yet you do. An interesting mix. You fear me but want to connect with me. Do you remember what I said the night we met?" He knelt down, speaking softly in my ear. "This is exactly the way it will be when you come to my bed. You'll surrender yourself, and though it'll scare you, you'll exult in it too."

"I think you're imagining more to our charade than there is. And I don't really see myself feeling exultant over being tied up."

"Have you ever tried it?" His fingers slowly slid back up to the sleeves of my shirt, like butterflies on my skin. It was...nice. I shrugged him off.

"No. And I don't need to. Besides, whatever your kinky intentions are, it doesn't matter. I've got something going with Kiyo."

"Ah. Of course you do. From what I hear, he's always 'got something going.'"

I stiffened. "Don't try to cause trouble."

"I'm attempting nothing of the sort. Just stating a fact. A man with human blood is just as appealing to our women as you are to our men."

"I already know about Maiwenn."

"I see. What do you know?"

"The truth. They used to be involved. Now they're not."

"Ah. And that doesn't bother you? Especially considering it's likely she'll try to kill you someday?"

I turned around as much as I could and glared at him. "I meant it: Don't try to pick a fight. I trust Kiyo, and I like Maiwenn. End of story. Now if you're going to tie me up, just get it over with."

He rose from his crouch, the sensuality gone from his voice as he began the business of binding me. "I'd never dream of picking a fight. Your pet fox in there will break my neck if I so much as look at you the wrong way."

"Don't act like you're actually afraid of him. You can supposedly bring down buildings." I relaxed back in the chair and let him tie my hands together behind me. He took a long time in doing it, like he was weaving or braiding.

"Why, Eugenie, are you saying you'd wager on me in a fight? I'm touched. Very touched. Although, I do hear foxes have very sharp claws. How are those scratches on your Copyright 2016 - 2024