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the sheet up and wrapped my arms around myself. The thought of power like that terrified me...and yet deep down, I saw its appeal. I didn't like being defenseless at twenty-six any more than I had at twelve. Volusian sensed this.

"Your true nature knows I am right. It longs to be realized."

"If I give in to this nature, I'll become gentry."

"You'll never be fully gentry or human. That you must accept. You must simply take the best of each."

"Even if I wanted to do this" - I swallowed, still uncertain if I wanted the kind of power he was talking about - "I wouldn't know the first thing about tapping it. Roland can't teach me about gentry magic."

"Then you'll have to find a gentry teacher."

"Where will I find one who won't try to rape me first? I don't really have any friends over there."

"Don't you?" He looked at me expectantly.

"You mean Dorian."

"Of all the rulers in the Otherworld right now, only he has ordered his people to leave you alone."

"Seriously? But why? He told me himself he wants to see Storm King's invasion happen."

"Most believe he gave the order simply because he wants you for himself. I, however, suspect he also probably acts out of some ridiculous sense of altruism - and his own pride. Of course, some of his people won't heed the warning, but you will find less of them attacking you than others. Like Aeson and his followers, for example." Apparently Aeson was alive after all. I'd forgotten to ask Kiyo about that in the wake of all the other drama.

"Still...Dorian made the attempt, huh?" I thought back to my encounter with him. Of all the gentry, he had been the one I almost felt comfortable with, which was startling, considering how odd he was. And he had helped me. "But I know he wants to have sex with me too. He didn't really make that a secret."

"Of course he does. Which is why he'll help you. He'll help you because he thinks it'll bring you to his bed. And because being close to you will impress his rivals and allies alike. They'll think you're lovers, even if you aren't. He'll like that."

You'll return to me. You won't be able to help yourself.

I shivered, and Volusian continued: "You'll benefit as well. Go to him as an equal, and he will treat you as one. His attitude will go a long way to influence others."

"If I do this, I'll have come a long way from being feared by the gentry to cozying up with one for political reasons. That's quite a leap."

"Not really. Not if you consider how far you've come since your trip to Aeson's."

"That's an understatement." I rubbed my eyes. "I don't know, Volusian. I still don't know if I'm ready to approach Dorian. I need to think about it."

"As my mistress wishes. But I would advise you to think fast. Decide before Beltane. Siding with Dorian will offer both magical and political benefits."

"Noted. Thanks for the update. And the advice."

He bowed, and I stood up to send him back. Before I did, I couldn't help messing with him. I was still naked, after all.

"Hey, Volusian, you haven't been checking me out, have you?"

He gave me his trademark bland stare. "I assure you, mistress, the only allure your bare flesh has for me is to remind me how easy it will be to slice open."

I laughed. If not for the fact he was actually serious, he'd be so much fun.

Chapter Fourteen

I saw Kiyo a few times in the next week. One of those times I was out on a job, doing an exorcism that turned out to be a setup. The house I'd gone into had no spirit but rather an asag: a demonic creature that literally had a rocklike body. Kiyo had shown up in the midst of the fight, and while I'd thought I had things well in hand, his help sure expedited matters. He didn't use any weapons like I did; he was all body and physical force. Watching him move was almost hypnotic, like admiring a dancer.

His other appearances were similar, showing up when needed and then retreating if I wanted. Once, I reluctantly agreed to lunch after a fight. He watched me with those hungry eyes the entire time, but everything else was friendly and easy between us. It was like when we'd met in the bar, all breezy banter and connection - underscored with simmering sexual tension.

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