Storm Born Page 0,138

great control, but enough to keep me from doing something stupid."

"And that's good enough for you?" He took a few steps toward me. "You killed one of this world's greatest magic users with a novice's control of water. Imagine when you master it - and the other elements."

"No. I'm not going to. I don't need to."

"I thought you liked the way it made you feel."

The ghostly memory of power flared up in my mind, and I swallowed, willing it to go away. I shook my head at him. "Goodbye, Dorian."

I started to turn again, but he caught my shoulder and pulled me into a kiss. He deserved to be slapped, but the kiss was exquisite, just like all his kisses. And feeling him against me reminded me of our night together, how he'd brought me to a wildness I didn't think myself capable of.

"That's the last time you're going to kiss me," I warned when it ended.

He smiled knowingly, and in his eyes, I could see his own memories of that night. "So you say."

I left him and returned to my own world.

Kiyo found me a few days later, as I'd know he would. I'd been out running errands and came home to see him sitting on my doorstep, in human form. He wore a white cotton shirt, tucked neatly into khakis. The black hair was brushed away from his face, and his dark eyes were as smoky and sensual as ever. He looked good - and healthy. Like Dorian, he'd enjoyed the benefits of gentry healing magic. In fact, Kiyo had received the very best: Maiwenn had tended him during his recovery.

"Come on in," I said, unlocking the door.

He entered wordlessly, following and waiting as I put away my keys and purse. I offered him iced tea and then sat down with him on the couch, wanting to say so much and not knowing where to start.

"You look better than the last time I saw you," I finally said.

His teeth flashed in a lovely smile. "Wouldn't take much."

I looked away. "Maiwenn did a good job."

I felt his hand reach out and turn my face toward him. Those fingers held the same warmth I remembered, the same electric tingle.

"The way I hear it, it was more you than her."

"I didn't do so much."

He tsked me. "Honesty, Eugenie."

"All right, it was bad. Really bad. But I'd do it again."

"You're a crazy, wonderful woman. I can't repay what you did."

I started. "There's nothing to repay. Why on earth would you think that?"

"Because I didn't deserve it. Not after the way - "

"No. Forget it. I...I shouldn't have freaked out over it. Not over something that happened before you even met me." What I didn't add was that I could suddenly empathize with how dangerous certain bits of information could be to a relationship. Like, say, revealing how a gentry king had initiated you into sexual bondage.

"I still should have told you."

"Yeah," I conceded, "you should have. But it's done. I can live with it."

His arm had snaked around me in that subtle way he had. "What are you saying?"

"You know what I'm saying. There's too much between us...I'm not ready to give that up yet."

The arm pulled me closer, and there was a slight tremble in his voice when he spoke. "Oh, God, Eugenie. I've missed you so much. You're like a part of me."

"I know."

We held each other for a quiet moment, and then I heard him say in carefully measured tones, "I hear you're a queen now."

"That's what they say."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Use your imagination."

"Dorian had no right to do that." There was a growl in Kiyo's voice.

"You're preaching to the choir here. I already had that argument with him. He doesn't see it as wrong. He thinks I should keep progressing in magic too."

The hand stroking my face stopped moving. He pulled away slightly so he could look me in the eyes. "That's an even worse idea. You aren't going to, are you? I mean, you got what you needed from him, right?"


He visibly relaxed, again touching my cheek with a sensual languor. "We'll get you through the queen thing. I won't let anything happen to you."

"There you go again with the macho protectiveness thing. Who brought who back from the dead?"

"Fair point."

I gave voice to something I'd wondered about for a while now. " did you know when I was at Aeson's anyway? Did you really stake out his place and wait for me?"

His eyes crinkled Copyright 2016 - 2024