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had trouble. Her appearance kept shifting. One instant she was golden and lovely, honey-blond hair pouring to her ankles. The next she was pale as death, black hair sweeping behind her like a funeral shroud, yet still beautiful in a frightening sort of way.

Persephone herself blocked my path, and I knew there was no way I could go through her.

"Let me have him. Please. I've passed all the tests, just like you wanted."

What I wanted? It was the same voice I'd heard before, only now amusement tinged its edges. None of that mattered to me. They were not my tests. This world is what you bring to it. Most of the dead bring guilt or regret. You brought your fears.

I peered beyond her to Kiyo, my soul screaming out to his.

"What do you want? What do I need to do to take him?"

What makes you think I'll give him to you? He's mine. I received him fairly. The dead do not leave my realm.

I racked my brain, turning over every story or myth I'd ever heard.

"What about Orpheus? You let him take Eurydice."

But in the end, she did not leave. He was not strong enough. She stayed.

"You don't need him, especially since I've sent you so many other souls."

Was it truly for me? Or your own ends?

"Does it matter?"

Perhaps not. But now I have two more, and I do not have to give them up.

"Then do it as a favor," I begged.

A favor? Her amusement grew. Why would I do that?

"Because I've served you faithfully. And because we're the same. I'm trapped in two worlds too, and I don't think I can get out of that. I'm torn in two forever now."

I touched the butterfly tattoo on my arm, half black and half white. Just like Persephone, who spent half her existence as a goddess of springtime and half as a ruler of death. Just like me, half human and half gentry. Half lover, half killer. In Swan Lake, Odile is the dark swan and Odette is the light swan, yet both are played by the same dancer.

She only stared, and I desperately tried to think of something. "You said this world is what we bring. I brought love too. Doesn't that count for anything?"

She considered. That depends. Will you give up your love? Sacrifice it to me? Promise you will stay away from him forever, that you will forsake your love.

I stared at Kiyo's inert form, thinking how it would be to never see him again. Something inside of me died at that thought, but I didn't hesitate.

"All right. I agree."

Persephone stared at me a moment, then Kiyo vanished.

It is done.

"You sent his soul back? He'll live?"

If his body is healed soon, then yes, he'll live.

She continued staring at me, and I realized I'd made no such guarantees for my own return. In fact, I could no longer feel that glittering connection to my own body.

You are trapped here, she affirmed.

"I know. It's okay. It's worth it." And I meant it. Kiyo's life meant more than my own.

Her blue-to-black-to-blue eyes held me. Then, as improbable as it seemed, she sighed.

Go back. Go back to your dual existence. I will see you again someday, and then you will stay.

Her fingers touched my forehead, and a searing pain ran through me. My form disappeared in a flurry of feathers and black wings, and I felt myself being pulled out of this world. Just before I left completely, she spoke again. Her voice was tired and maybe just a little sad.

Keep your love. I have no use for it anymore.

An instant later, I woke up in my physical body, gasping and choking for air as I returned to life.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

About two days passed before I had enough of a grip on consciousness to get out of bed. I had dim recollections of a commotion outside Aeson's stronghold after returning to my body that night but little more. Shaya had cradled me in her arms. Dorian had yelled for a healer. But best of all, beside me I'd seen Kiyo stir.

Now I woke up in one of Dorian's many guest rooms. It was smaller than his but as opulently decorated as everything else around there. I'd come to a few times before this but only now found the strength to stay up. Nia, who had hovered by my side the entire time, remained less convinced.

"You shouldn' need to sleep more...."

I was stripping off the long chemise they'd put me in, trading up Copyright 2016 - 2024