Storm Born Page 0,120

let him push into me over and over, the enemy I'd somehow come to crave.

He shifted his body so that he was completely on top of me, still moving urgently and possessively, save that now I had even less mobility than before. He held me down, grip tight. And me? I was all aching and burning flesh, letting him take whatever he wanted from me. I floated in a warm, liquid place. It was like being wrapped in golden silk, molten bliss spreading over my body.

"I told you," he said through his labored breathing. "I told you you'd come to me. And I realize I could have simply taken you the instant I'd tied you up. You didn't need any of the rest. You've had this desire and never even known it...this desire to simply be had in any way your lover wanted." He paused a moment, swallowing and catching his breath. "I'm right, aren't I? I could move you into any position I wanted, make love to you in any place I wanted, and you'd love every moment of it...."

I couldn't really manage any coherent answers, and most of my noises had lapsed into primal, unintelligible cries. All I wanted to focus on was us being together, the way it felt to have him pushing and rubbing, the way it must feel for him to be inside of me. I'd slid up on the bed; my head was practically in danger of hitting the headboard soon.

Suddenly, he pulled out abruptly and hovered back over me. His eyes, dark in this light, watched me, and I sensed that laconic, playful expression on his face. Both of us panted. I waited for him to return, feeling irate at this interruption. I'd been on the verge of coming again. Somehow I suspected he'd known that.

"What are you doing?"

"Waiting. Waiting for you to tell me to keep going."

He wasn't being cruel or mean. He was teasing me, toying with me the way he so enjoyed among the people around here.

"You fucking bastard," I said. Somehow the profanity carried mild affection.

He laughed. "Should I take that to mean you want me to continue?"

"You know I do."

"Then say it outright. Unless you're going to get up and take me yourself."

"Did I mention you're a bastard?"

"Tell me you don't want me to stop. Beg me. Beg me, and we'll do this for the rest of the night."

It was merely a game, another dimension of this power play and his dominance over me. And, much to my chagrin, it was a turn-on.

"Please," I whispered.

"Please what?"

"Please...don't stop. I want...I want you to keep..."

"Keep what?"

I sighed. "I want you to keep fucking me."

He was back in me almost before the words had left my lips. I yelled out again as moments later, the delayed orgasm exploded in me. I shook and burned as that glittering sensation crackled through me. All the while, our bodies kept moving together. His face was near mine, watching with pleasure as I panted and struggled against a joy that was almost too intense.

"I hate you," I gasped out.

He laughed and rained kisses down on my face. "No, you don't."

He was right.

Chapter Twenty-Five

"I know what you're thinking."

I stretched my arms above me, tucking my hands between my head and the pillow. Sunlight poured over me from the giant window but did little to help my troubled mood. I'd been sullen and quiet all morning. "Not likely."

Dorian reached over to a tray of assorted pastries and sweets that had been sitting by the bed when we awoke. That and the newly built-up fire were only a couple of signs that tidying servants had been up and around in here. Their presence shouldn't have bothered me; everyone had already believed Dorian and I were sleeping together. Yet, knowing others had moved around us while we slept still felt odd.

He popped a marzipan-stuffed tartlet into my mouth. I made a surprised sound but ate it anyway. He had excellent cooks. "Well, then, let me guess anyway. I do so love trying to reason out your thoughts."

He grinned at me, every inch the lighthearted and frivolous man I usually knew. He bore almost no trace of the impassioned lover from last night, the one who'd repeatedly told me in explicit detail exactly what he could do to me if he wanted - and then proved that he could.

I rolled to my side, putting my back to him. "Knock yourself out."

"All right. You're now realizing you did the Copyright 2016 - 2024