Storm Born Page 0,102

wanted me for me and not for my human fertility or connection to a prophecy.

Resting his hand on the back of my neck, he kissed me, and I had no more time for questions. We'd kissed a lot by now, and his lips still held that same silky softness, that careful precision and control. I was used to this, and it warmed up every part of me, but tonight's inevitable conclusion loomed before me. My lips almost faltered but still managed to kiss him back. I could do this. It was easy...right?

He gently lay me back on the bed, still kissing me as he rested his body partially across my own. The heat and weight of him triggered something pleasurable within me, even as some part of my brain suddenly started pining for Kiyo and recalling every bad thing I'd ever been taught about gentry. My breath quickened but not from passion. No, no, I chastised myself, forcing my body to not go rigid. This is Dorian. There's nothing to be afraid of. But I was afraid. This didn't feel right. I couldn't let myself do it, even though I knew there was no reason not to. I hung out with gentry now. I had titles. I wanted to learn their magic. I wanted to kill Aeson. And yet, somehow, some part of me refused to give into this final -

Dorian broke away from me and sat up. "It's as I thought. You don't want to really do this. You're afraid of me."

I half sat up, propping on my elbow. Swallowing, I tried to breathe more steadily. "Didn't you say once that you wanted me to be afraid?"

"Not this afraid. Besides, your heart is a bit muddled tonight."

He rose from the bed and casually poured another goblet of wine. Sipping from it, he walked over to the window and stared at the nothingness, just as I had earlier.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I told you before. I don't take women who don't want me." He kept his back to me, but his voice held that usual carefree tone. Like everything was still just one big joke. I wondered if he was upset. I couldn't read him at all.

"Er, wait..." I scrambled off the bed and grabbed his arm, nearly spilling the wine. "What are you saying? We have to do this. I swear, it doesn't matter. I want to do this. Really."

"Maybe. You don't look at me like you do the kitsune, but I've felt your desire before. It's a fleeting thing, though, and it can't quite win against that part of you that says not to submit to one of the shining ones."

"Maybe we can ignore that part."

He laughed and touched my cheek. "I adore you, you know that? I'm so happy I met you."

I swallowed, anxious and desperate. "Please, Dorian. I want to get Jasmine. We have to do this."

"We aren't doing anything like that. Not tonight, I'm afraid." He walked away and sat back on the bed near the headboard, just as he had earlier. "I will, however, make you a deal. We will postpone our arrangement until you're ready. In exchange for this grace period, I add the further caveat that we won't go to Aeson until you've made some suitable progress with your magic."

I thought about our last couple of dismal lessons. "That might take awhile...."

"Then it takes awhile. Really, if you want every edge you can get to defeat him, you'll be better off knowing something about your power, even if it's small. Your weapons are strong, but if they're gone...then they're gone."

I wanted to fight him on this, to tell him I couldn't wait that long. Fuck the magic. Fuck my prudish resistance. We should get the sex over with and just grab Jasmine.

But I knew he was right. On all levels. He didn't deserve my body without my mind being into it, and I did need every advantage I could get.

"Well, then...can we practice tonight? Seeing as how nothing else is going on?" If I distracted myself, maybe I'd stop hurting for Kiyo.

"No point in bothering with tact, eh? Very well, then, let's see what we can accomplish."

I dragged a chair into the middle of the room while Dorian produced some more cords from his never-ending supply.

"Beige and violet," he said, holding them up. "To match your dress."

"It's 'champagne.'"

He didn't tie my hands this time, but he did completely bind my torso. Again, he used intricate patterns as he worked, integrating unique braids Copyright 2016 - 2024