Stories for Lovers - Eden Winters Page 0,73

all, he kept his head. “Lads,” he spoke quietly to his men.

“Yes, Lord Erik?”

Erik had given negotiation a try, he really had. Faced with imminent failure, he fell back to more familiar methods of winning a battle. “Remember how I’ve always told you not to assume wolf form in front of innocent humans?”

“Yes, Lord Erik.”

“Consider these humans guilty.” Erik toed off his boots, the only part of his apparel he refused to sacrifice.

While Ragnar stood puzzling out the words, Erik shifted, Bjorn following a moment later. In the blink of a human eye, three full grown wolves snarled and chased the villagers back. Erik lunged for Olaf.

“Evil I tell you! Pure evil!” Olaf shrieked while running for the nearest barn. In short order, the villagers armed themselves with sickles and rakes and hoes.

Erik allowed them to back him against the tavern steps. Oh, but he’d soon erase the malice from their eyes. Just when the villagers moved in for the kill, Erik reached his muzzle to the sky and howled.

Answering howls came from every side of the village.

“Whaaa? Whaaaa?” Olaf’s blood-shot eyes flew open wide. Glowing orbs emerged from the night’s last darkness, Erik’s pack prowling into the clearing. “Kill them, lads!” Olaf shouted, rallying the other villagers. Only, when he glanced behind him, all his allies had fled.

“It seems I have the upper hand, Olaf,” Erik said, knowing that to human ears his words probably sounded like, “Let the feasting begin!”

A dark stain grew on Olaf’s braes.


Chapter Eight

Galen woke from a fitful slumber, to the familiar scent of chickens and livestock. A dark form loomed above him, Erik having followed him from dreams to the waking world. His heart raced, then promptly skipped a beat. No, not Erik, but Eydis fumbling with the shackles securing his arms to the barn wall. Wait! Eydis?

We’re free! his wolf declared.

Disappointment turned to alarm. “You mustn’t be found here,” Galen warned. “If my uncle catches you…”

White teeth shown brightly against the lady’s dark face. “That will not be a problem.” She freed Galen’s hands and made short work of releasing his ankles. “Come, follow me.”

“But me uncle!” Galen protested.

Her smile became a grin. “I’d not worry myself over Olaf Galen-kin, were I you.” She disappeared down the hayloft stairs. Galen followed.

More of the forest folk waited outside in ripped and torn clothing artfully arranged to conceal their nudity. Dawn pinked the edges of the world. “Come,” Eydis repeated, clutching Galen’s hand in a crushing grip.

He followed the lady into the village square. Despite the early hour, village men and women filled the open space before the tavern steps. At their very center, illuminated by a bonfire’s glow, stood Erik, looking every inch a confident lord.

“Not yet,” the lady whispered when Galen would have run to Erik’s side. “Watch and learn.”

“If you agree to my terms, you may stay on these lands. If not…” Erik waved a hand toward the open road, “you’d best hurry before snows close the mountain passes.” Bare to the waist, only a torn pair of trousers concealed his privates, and yet still he appeared regal.

As vocal as the villagers had been the day of his trial, Galen stood slack-jawed at their lack of protest during Erik’s naming of terms.

“First, you’ll carry on life as normal, providing me a portion of your crops and livestock, ale and woven cloth.”

“But… that won’t leave us enough…” the magistrate protested.

Erik held up a quelling hand. “This isn’t the tribute a former king once demanded of your ancestors. It’s fair trade. In return for your goods, my people will provide venison, rabbit, nuts, berries, and medicinal plants. We’ll also throw in pelts—not wolf, possibly slightly chewed—and the leathers, silks, and other goods we receive in trade from the high and lowland clans. We also offer protection against outlaws and raiders.”

Murmurs went up around the assemble villagers, and many heads nodded agreement.

“Silk? Did he say silk?” a woman asked.

“And pelts,” the man standing next to her confirmed. “No more venturing to the forest edge for trapping.”

Erik wasn’t finished. “In addition, you’ll resume trade with the coastal and mountain folks, with the traders providing transport.” Again, no protests were raised.

Next, Erik admonished, “No more discarding unwanted children or men who desire other men.” He sought out Galen, who swallowed hard and gave a wide-eyed “Who me?” look.

Standing proudly, hand outstretched, Erik nodded. All eyes turned from Erik to Galen. Many averted their gazes, guilt clouding most faces.

Once Galen’s fingers meshed with Erik’s, Erik raised their joined Copyright 2016 - 2024