Stories for Lovers - Eden Winters Page 0,26

guy and keep thinking about Billy. That wouldn’t be fair to the guy.

Billy didn’t say anything after that.

“Know any gay jocks?” Dave asked, digging his elbow into Billy’s ribs. “Hey, wanna practice putting on condoms again?”

“Not right now. You need to go. I’ve got homework to do.”

What? Billy chose homework over a blowjob?

“Him,” Dave said, pointing out at the football field.

Billy glanced up from his gaming magazine. “Colton McCarthy?”

Dave grinned. “Yeah. He spoke to me in Geometry, asked how I liked Asheville.” And he was gay! Yes! Asheville really was Gay Heaven.

Billy threw an arm around Dave’s shoulders. “Sounds like true love, then.” His smiled didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Be careful though. I hear he’s a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy.”

“Dude, it’s not love I’m after. I want my first time to be special. And look at him! Who’d have thought there’d be openly gay jocks?” Openly gay jocks. Damn, but Dave loved Asheville.

“Okay, so you picked him, now on to less important matters. Where are you gonna go to college?”

What? “College?” How did they get from talking football gods to college?

Billy shrugged. “I’d thought about going away, maybe California or somewhere cool, but Mom did the math and looks like I’ll be staying here.”

“Leave Asheville? The awesomest place on earth? Never!” Truth was, Dave hadn’t really thought much beyond graduation, though the thought of Billy going away made his insides squirm.

“We could be roommates if you wanted. My uncle owns a two-bedroom duplex near Asheville-Buncombe Community College, and I can work in his restaurant while I go to school. I’m sure he’d hire you too. He always needs good help. We can knock out our basic classes cheaper there, then transfer to a four-year school. My uncle says they have a pretty good Informations Systems and Technology program.”

Actually, Dave had grown up believing he’d be a farmer, like his parents and grandparents. But that meant going home. And home hadn’t miraculously become more accepting the last time he’d checked. And there was that whole “don’t want to be without Billy” thing. “I think I’d like that.”

“Come on,” Billy said, “I’ll buy you a coffee.”

They got their drinks and headed to the back of the shop, where not many people sat. “Now, we need to make a few things clear,” Billy began, “before you go about seducing your jock boy.”

“Like what?” Dave sipped his favorite caffeine addiction while paying rapt attention to his pusher.

“Who’s the sleaziest guy we know?”

Hmm… Those stoners that hung out near the basketball court were pretty sleazy. Oh, yeah… him! “How about creepy Larry from fourth period?” The guy always wore holey, dirty jeans, and never seemed to wash his hair. No need to feel sorry for him though. Larry’s parents were loaded and he drove a late model Mustang to school.

“Nice choice.” Billy leaned in and whispered, “Would you fuck him? Bareback?”

“What? Oh hell no!” Dave’s macchiato lost its appeal. “Never!”

“Okay, good! Stay with me here.” Billy’s arm around Dave’s shoulders assured he wasn’t going anywhere. “Imagine you’re with jock boy from the field today. You’re in a clinch and he’s about to go for the touchdown.”

Dave rolled his eyes. “That’s lamer than Aunt Lisa’s attempt at sex talks.”

“Well, imagine jock hunk wants to go bare.”

“Okay, I’m imagining.” Dave imagined so well that his jeans grew tight.

“Now, imagine the last guy he fucked was Larry.”

“Ewww…” Dave’s semi-erection wilted.

Billy leaned in so close that his breath brushed Dave’s ear. “Right you are. So remember, just say no. And one more thing. Two more, actually.”

“What’s the first?”

“Look out for number one.”

“What’s the second?”

“Remember all those ways Mom told me she’d kill me?”


“If he hurts you, I’ll ask her to demonstrate.”

“So, how you liking Asheville?”

“Fine.” The same as the other fourteen times you asked me that. Then again, maybe Colton the Jock was overwhelmed by Dave’s natural beauty and was tongue-tied. Yeah, right. Billy sure didn’t have trouble carrying on conversations.

Colton finally asked something different. “Wanna come over to my house and hang out Friday night?”

Oh my God! Dave’s heart slammed into his ribs. Colton invited him over! Whee!

The jock god stared at Dave, golden blond brows reaching for his halo of buzz-cut hair. “Well?”

Well, what? Oh! He’d asked a question. “Sure. What time?”

“My parents are going out at five, so how about you come over at six?”

Parents gone, just Dave and Colton. Bingo! Dave couldn’t wait to tell Billy. “Sure, I’ll be there.”

Billy didn’t sound as happy as Dave thought he would. “If Copyright 2016 - 2024