Stories for Lovers - Eden Winters Page 0,24

couldn’t even get it up. She’s says if I ever take chances, she’ll kill me.”

“No she didn’t!”

Billy nodded so hard his brains probably rattled. “Yes she did. Now, for most kids, ‘I’ll kill you’ is a figure of speech. But Mom’s a nurse. Not only did she say she’d kill me, she’s told me fourteen ways to do it and not get caught.” Billy’s shiver didn’t look fake. “So it’s safe sex for me! I like living. Which I think is Mom’s point.”

Which led straight to Dave’s next question. “So, have you? Had sex, I mean?”

Billy stared at the condom he’d stretched over a candle. “Sure I have. Haven’t you?”

If he called Dave “virgin” one more time… Though, in this case, it was true. “Weren’t very many opportunities in Podunk.”

“Point taken. I’ll cut you some slack this time.” Billy grabbed Dave in a headlock and rubbed a noogie on his head.

Dave wriggled free and jerked out of reach. They’d crossed boundaries, leaving him free to pry into his friend’s personal life. “What’s it like?”

“What’s what like?”

“You know, sex.”

“It’s good.”

Now was not the time for Billy to go taciturn. “Does it hurt?”

Billy grinned. “Not if you’re the driver.”

Asswipe. “What about… the other.”

Billy’s face grew in Dave’s field of vision, so close he could count every freckle on the guy’s nose—given time. “If he knows what he’s doing, and is a decent guy, it may hurt a bit at first, but not too bad.”

Dave had to find the right guy. Only… how could he hope to please someone when he had zero experience? He spotted Billy ripping open another condom pack. “Billy, what are you doing?”

“You know, practice makes perfect.”

That was it! The answer to his problem. He needed to practice. “Dude, when’s your mom coming home?”

“In about two hours. Why?”

It was Dave’s turn to grin. “Let’s de-rubberize the house and go upstairs.”

“You want to do what?”

Dave was glad Billy was already sitting down on his bed, otherwise he might have fallen. “You heard me. Look, if the guy has a banana growing between his legs, I’m all set.” Well, not really. But… “Or if he had my dick. I’ve never even seen another guy’s at close range before. What if I get nervous, can’t get the damned rubber on, and he laughs at me?”

Billy stroked his chin in what he probably considered a thoughtful manner. “Laughter would kind of ruin the mood, wouldn’t it?”

“Don’t joke at a time like this. I’m serious. Now are you going to help me or not?”

Billy’s put upon sigh should have earned him an Oscar. “You’re asking a lot.”

“Yeah, but who else can I ask? The gay couple down the street? No. Just…no. But you don’t want me going into a situation unprepared, do you?” Dave didn’t like to beg, but turned out he was pretty good at it.

“Oh, all right. Just once can’t hurt, I don’t suppose.” Billy stood up, shucked off his jeans and boxers like he disrobed in front of friends every day, then plopped his naked ass on the bed. A stiffy rose from his crotch.

Damn, and Dave had thought he sprang wood at the drop of a hat. He riffled through the faded Halloween pumpkin that held their dwindling hoard and grabbed a now-familiar square package. The damned thing wouldn’t open.

“Hand it here.” Billy big paw came into view, and Dave dropped the package onto his palm. So much for being a quick study. But how was he supposed to concentrate with his best friend’s boner staring him in the face? Billy’s dick was fatter than Dave’s, but Dave had him beat for length.

Billy held out a small white circle. Thank God it wasn’t green. “Don’t forget to squeeze the tip.”

Dave reached out and wrapped his fingers around Billy’s cock. Oh dear God! Billy’s cock! In his hand! And it felt… good.

The latex gripped the end of Billy’s shaft and, on the third try, Dave managed to roll it halfway down. He kept stopping every time the thought hit him: I’ve got Billy’s dick in my hand! And, oh , Dave’s own dick got jealous, pushing uncomfortably against the zipper in his jeans. Finally, he reached Billy’s base and paused to admire his handiwork.

“Uh? Dave?” Billy breath came in shallow pants.

Dave glanced up with a grin. “I did it!” His grin fell. Billy didn’t look too good. “What’s wrong?”

“I think there’s a wrinkle. You may need to smooth it down.” He fisted both hands in the bedspread.

“Like this?” Dave wrapped one Copyright 2016 - 2024