Stories for Lovers - Eden Winters Page 0,174


Think, James, think! You have no place to go! “I thought...”he began.

Alex’s eyes narrowed. “You thought what? That this was more than a fuck? Whatever did I do to give you that idea?”

Could this be the same man who’d been so warm and tender just hours ago, well, before he’d become brutal? “Well, last night, when you made love to me...” James said, though not sure why he was even trying. It was clear he wasn’t wanted here, he was only humiliating himself further by arguing.

Again his protests were cut off. Leaning down, nose to nose, Alex growled, “We did not make love, we fucked. It was passable, but losing points by the minute. Now, get up and get out.” He turned his back in dismissal, entering what appeared to be a massive closet, easily the size of James and Travis’ bedroom.

James began pulling on his clothes, frantically trying to plan what to do now. His new job didn’t start until next week -- a job working for the same dealership as Travis -- and until his first paycheck he didn’t have enough for a security deposit and first month’s rent. He didn’t really expect the man to understand, but James was at a loss for what else to do so he entered the closet, waiting to be noticed while fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

“What now?” Alex turned around and aimed a heated glare at James. If looks could kill, at the tender age of twenty-one, James Allen Murphy would have gone up in flames.

Though he tried hard not to, he sniffled and confessed, “I don’t know where to go. That was my boyfriend with me last night. I don’t think he’ll welcome me back with open arms now.”

Alex’s face was a mask of anger and impatience, “And that’s my fault how? Did I hold a gun to your head and force you to reject him in favor of the first person who noticed you? Hmm? Did I? Did I make any promises other than to fuck you into the mattress? A promise I kept, by the way.”

“No,” James answered, one lone tear escaping his control to spill down his cheek.

When Alex snapped, “Then would you please just get out of here? I told you I have things to do!” James grabbed his remaining things and darted out the front door, determined not to look back.

He’d walked the streets for hours, finally taking refuge on the bench.

One more call. One more message to listen to, then it all truly would be over. No more Houston, or if there was, his nights wouldn’t be spent snuggled in his lover’s arms. Most importantly, there would be no more Travis. And all for what? A one-nighter who’d tossed him out like so much trash the next morning?

While the rain beat down against his makeshift shelter, he played the seventh and final message. “James?” Dear Lord! Was Travis crying? It sure sounded like it! “James, please, please call me. I don’t care what time it is. I’m so worried. Please call! Don’t let it end like this. Please!”

James replayed the message four times, unbelieving what he was hearing. Travis really wanted to talk to him? It took another half hour before he worked up the courage to return the call, expecting to just leave a message as Travis should be at work by now.

Travis answered on the first ring. “James!” he exclaimed, firing off questions in a rush. “Are you all right? Where are you? Want me to come and get you?”

Far from the angry admonishments James expected, Travis sounded…relieved?

There was so much he wanted to say, but all that came out was, “Please.” A moment later he added, “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

A nervous laugh then, “I couldn’t sell one damned Cadillac right now, I’m so worried. Where are you?”

James wasn’t quite sure, since he was new to the city. Once he mentioned the bridge, Travis said, “I know where that is. I’ll be right there.”

As James waited he tried think of what to say. Was there anything he really could say? There was no way to make this right. The best he could hope for was that his apology would be accepted and that he wouldn’t be kicked out of the apartment before he could find another place to live.

He didn’t know where Travis was when he’d taken the call, but in no time at all the familiar silver Camry was pulling to a stop under the bridge. Travis Copyright 2016 - 2024