Stop Kidding Around (Magical Mates #2) - Macy Blake Page 0,32

to his mate. “Did you neglect to tell him about the meeting?”

Nick opened his mouth, then shut it again. Opened it once more, but no sound came out.

Ollie snickered. Toby swatted behind him with his hand and made contact. Ollie stopped laughing.

“Ollie, call your Nana. Nick gets zero cookies this week,” Jedrek ordered.

The entire building filled with the sound of snickers, which quickly became laughter. Nick growled at all of them before turning and stomping back into the room at the end of the hall. Before he went in, though, he turned and winked at Toby.

That small gesture was enough to broaden Toby’s own smile. He glanced up at Brooks and found him smiling widely as well. Ollie laughed into Toby’s back before he straightened and patted Toby’s shoulder.

“I’m getting to work. Want to have lunch with me? I hear we’re having grilled cheese today.”

Toby nodded. Ollie gave his shoulder a squeeze, then tore off down the hill. He waited until Ollie disappeared into the trees before turning his attention back to Brooks. “I… Have a nice day.” He winced, the words sounding lame and insincere.

“You too.” Brooks brushed his thumb along Toby’s jaw. “Can I come see you tonight?”

Toby’s heart thumped with excitement. He nodded. “I’d like that.”

Brooks beamed, like Toby had given him the best gift in the world. He didn’t understand these wolves. Actually, he really didn’t understand himself.

Brooks turned and walked away, but Toby couldn’t seem to pry his gaze off him. He watched until Brooks started around the corner, and when Brooks turned and waved, still smiling from ear to ear, Toby waved back.

His stomach flipped again, and he pressed his hand to it. He felt a presence behind him and turned to find Nick watching from the doorway down the hall. He swallowed and hurried toward him, but Nick stopped him at the door with a hand on his shoulder.


Toby swallowed nervously again. He nodded. “I am.”

“Good.” Nick stared at him for another moment, as if checking to make sure Toby was really okay and not just saying he was. It was so odd, these urges he felt toward people he didn’t know and shouldn’t trust.

Nick gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, and Toby raised his head, meeting the alpha’s concerned eyes. “I like him,” Toby confessed softly.

Nick grinned. “Yeah, I figured you might. You okay with that?”

“I… don’t know. I don’t…” Toby shrugged, unable to put any of what he felt into words.

“Take it slow. He’s a patient man, so there’s no need to rush.”

A tiny morsel of tension Toby didn’t realize he still held released. “Okay.”

“Now, Jedrek said I had to tell you that I’m about to get really loud and cuss a lot. He says it makes you a little uncomfortable because you’re not used to being around obnoxious assholes like me.”

Toby snickered, then covered his mouth in horror. “I’m sorry.”

“For what? Agreeing with him? Hell, Toby, I am an obnoxious asshole. If you thought otherwise, I’d wonder about your sanity. So anyway, just… I don’t know. I’d say I’ll try not to yell and cuss, but I’m gonna get loud so—”

“I don’t mind it.” Toby scowled and then tried to explain why he’d cut Nick off. “I mean… you’re just you. You don’t pretend to be something you aren’t. I… think I like that. Even though I wish you wouldn’t curse so much around the kids.”

“Your lips to the Goddesses’ ears. If my Mama Thea heard me using language like I do, she’d wash my mouth out with soap. I’m working on it, but no promises.”

Toby let out a breath. “Okay, let’s do this. I want to know why you’re going to yell and curse. And that is probably one of the strangest sentences I’ve ever said.”

Nick laughed and gripped the back of Toby’s neck. “Hang out with me a little longer. It’ll get worse, I promise.”

Toby laughed and let Nick lead him into the room. Victor and Riggs were already waiting with Jedrek, as was Puteri and Sam Jerrick. Toby took his seat, and Nick began pacing the room.

“Victor, catch Toby up,” Nick said.

Victor nodded. “As you know, the kids came to us under unusual circumstances. They were being held by different groups, but all for the same dark purpose: to drain them of their magic.”

Toby nodded. His stomach churned at the idea of anyone actually experimenting on kids. On anyone, really. But it did help him understand why the kids acted the way they did. “And the Goddess Copyright 2016 - 2024