The Stone Family Heart - Taylor Hart Page 0,37

the art, and well-arranged shelves displayed various expensive pieces.

“Is that you, Kens?” Lucy called out as she walked around the corner.

“Yes. It doesn’t look like anything’s out of place here.”

“It’s not.” Lucy smiled and embraced her.

A light vanilla smell wafted off her friend. Lucy had always been extremely artistic, extremely feminine, and extremely fun.

Lucy pulled back. “I’m so glad you’re in South Port.” Her grin widened, and she looped her arm through Kensi’s, leading her toward the other side of the boutique. “And look at your hair. It’s gorgeous, as usual.”

Normally, Kensi didn’t think much about her red hair. She simply wore it in a loose bun for work. But today she’d let it flow freely in light curls around her shoulders.

When they went around the corner, Kensi was surprised to see three other women waiting for them.

Lucy waved her hand at the women. “You remember Kat, of course, and you know Dawn and Cheryse.”

Kat rushed at Kensi, seizing her in an enthusiastic hug. “Of course she remembers me. I was like her little sister.”

That was true. She had witnessed many fights between Kat and Marshall so many years ago. She’d helped Kat through those times, and they’d been good friends. “It’s so good to see you.”

Kat gave her a coy look. “I’m the one who catered Ava’s wedding, but you all were busy.”

“Right.” Kensi snapped her fingers; the reminder jogged her memory. “Your son was there with you, dressed in that cute tux.”

“Kade.” Kat’s grin widened.

They were all so grown-up. Her mind flitted to something she’d been wanting to say to Kat for a long time. She took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, an unanticipated rush of tears filling her eyes. “I was so sorry to hear about JD.”

Kat nodded. “Thanks.”

“Don’t leave me out.” Dawn was the next one to hug Kensi. She had also been part of the beach crew; she’d been close friends with Brooks.

“How’s your mother doing with all this?” Kensi asked her.

Dawn rolled her eyes. “We have it duct-taped right now with some cardboard. You can imagine how much Mom likes that.” Her mother had always been one to dress just so and have her makeup perfectly done.

Kensi chuckled. “I can imagine.”

“Come here!” Cheryse would not wait any longer to embrace Kensi.

“How are you?” Kensi asked.

“You know, the worst part of this whole mess is that my salon has some issues at the moment.” She pulled back. “And who is going to make sure the people of South Port stay beautiful?”

They all shared a laugh.

“True,” Kensi agreed, evaluating the gorgeous, brunette, curly-haired woman. Trent and Hunter used to fight something terrible over her.

Cheryse squeezed Kensi’s shoulder. “I heard you were in town and that you helped give Aphrodite refuge from the storm. Tatum told me all about it.”

Kensi grinned, and her eyes met Lucy’s. “Tatum is such a sweetie.” She tried to remember what exactly she’d heard about Cheryse’s return to South Port.

As if sensing her unspoken question, Cheryse waved a dismissive hand. “We’re divorced, so I’ve been back, running the salon.” She shrugged. “No kids. Pretty boring story.”

Kat grunted. “Right. As if anyone’s story is boring.”

Cheryse pointed at her. “My clients at the salon can make any story interesting, but I’m all about no drama.”

Kat sat across from them next to Lucy at the table, suddenly hungry as she looked at the spread of eggs, bacon, crepes and fruit before them.

Lucy bowed her head and started praying. “Lord, we thank you for this day, for the safety of our shops and town, and especially that our Kensi has been brought back to us.”

Back to us. The words sounded so final.

“Amen,” the other women said.

“Amen,” Kensi said softly.

Silverware was unwrapped and cloth napkins were put on laps. In typical Lucy flair, everything looked amazing. Kensi was touched. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble,” she told Lucy.

Lucy ceremoniously dished up every plate. “It’s no trouble.”

“It is trouble, but Lucy’s too good to us.” Cheryse waggled her eyebrows at Kensi. “I heard all the Stone brothers are in town.”

Kensi nodded. It wasn’t surprising that Cheryse had already heard. “Yep, my little bros showed up last night. They’re working on getting things fixed today.”

Lucy sighed. “You have a good family.”

Lucy was an only child whose parents lived overseas. Kat had been in foster care until the age of nine, when she was adopted by the Hansens. Cheryse came from a good family, but Kensi didn’t know if they were still in town.

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