The Stone Family Heart - Taylor Hart Page 0,16

He wasn’t familiar with that look, but he knew something was wrong.

They all sat at the table next to the kitchen. It seated eight people, but it felt cozy compared to the outdoor table they usually used when they came over.

As they sat, Matt introduced Lucy and Tatum to Mr. Banks.

Mr. Banks surprised him by engaging with Lucy about Aphrodite. “She’s a beautiful Persian cat, I see.” He rubbed her head.

“I don’t know what Persian is,” Tatum said.

Mr. Banks went on to recount the history of bloodshed that led to Persia, which wasn’t called Persia any longer.

Kensi listened to Mr. Banks, but Tim noticed she wasn’t touching her food, only glaring at Mr. Banks.

When there was a slight break, she cleared her throat. “Mr. Banks, we’re going to pray. Hold on a sec.”

“Oh.” He looked startled. “All right.”

The rest of them bowed their heads.

Kensi put her hands out, and everyone joined hands.

Warmth buzzed through Tim. This had always been the way at the Stone Inn.

“Dear Lord,” Kensi whispered. “We thank you for the warmth and safety of this home. We thank thee for this food and ask that you would bless it. We would beseech of you to bless all those around us to be safe. And if we can help, help us to be aware and know how to help. Lord.” Her voice cracked. “We thank you for good friends and family and for all we have. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

“Amen,” the rest of them chorused.

Except Mr. Banks, who seemed curious about it all. “That was interesting.”

Everyone reached for pizza, though that wasn’t the only thing on the table; Kensi had prepared a salad and cut some strawberries in a bowl. The Stones had always been good hosts.

He thought about how she’d looked at her mother’s funeral; so fragile.

“So what do you all know of the conquistador’s gold?” Mr. Banks asked, tapping at the corners of his mouth with a napkin after his bite.

They all seemed to share equal annoyance at the question. Finally, Kensi said, “Well, it seems you know most of what we know, Mr. Banks. From what you’ve said, you might know even more.”

“Of course. We each took turns searching for it,” Matt piped up, grinning at Tim.

Tim knew exactly the time he was speaking of, when they’d gotten lost in the caves at Pirate’s Cove. “Yes, we did.”

Kensi grinned at him sheepishly. Tim held her gaze and couldn’t stop himself from grinning back.

“That’s when we almost died,” Lucy said, letting out a chuckle and placing a hand over Kensi’s.

Matt laughed, too. “It was the craziest thing. That cliff literally appeared out of nowhere.”

That got the rest of them busting a gut.

Mr. Banks seemed perplexed. “What are you talking about, if you don’t mind me asking?” There was something about the way he acted, entitled to their personal story, that grated on Tim’s nerves.

“It’s in the journals,” Kensi told him dismissively. “Mama put all of our shenanigans in the journals.” She glared at Mr. Banks. “If we let you read them.”

Mr. Banks’s face turned sour.

Tim wondered at her tone. Clearly she didn’t like the man, but there was something else at play.

Matt shook his head, then wiped his mouth. “All I remember is the way Trey scaled that cliff to get you.”

Tim couldn’t hold back from laughing at Matt’s face. “Hey, you were legit scared that you would fall, too.”

“I would have,” Matt protested, pointing at Tim. “Because you would have let my hand go if Trey hadn’t gotten to us.”

Another round of laughter rippled around the table.

“Daddy, were you going to die?” Matt’s daughter took Matt’s hand. She was still holding Aphrodite. Tim didn’t want to complain that she had a cat at the table, but … c’mon.

Kensi picked up her glass and took a long drink, then turned to Tatum. “Your father was very brave that day.”

Tim smirked. As much as he didn’t want to give the story away, he had to needle Matt. “He was so good that, if I recall, Trey had to practically carry him off that cliff.”

Matt glared at him. “I remember a time or two that Trey had to save your life, buddy, so shut up.”

That got both women and Tim laughing. “True,” Tim conceded.

There was ego at play in the room, especially with Lucy. It didn’t escape Tim’s notice that Matt and Lucy were holding hands. Tatum was snuggled comfortably between the two of them. That was just fine with Tim. If only Lucy would quit denying how Copyright 2016 - 2024