Stolen Heart - By Bennett, Sawyer Page 0,40

him abandon, he let himself go inside of her. Exhausted, he fell off into sleep again, still nestled inside of her.

Now as he lay on his stomach, his first thought was that they definitely weren’t cuddling this morning. He rolled over and saw Annika was still in bed, lying on her stomach with her head facing away from him. The sheets were kicked around her ankles and his eyes skimmed over her lovely backside. He noticed a small tattoo at the base of her spine. It was black and he couldn’t quite make it out. Leaning up, he looked more closely. It was a small heart, with a wide crack down the middle. A shattered heart. The thought made him sad, then angry.

Leaning over, he placed a soft kiss on the heart and heard Annika sigh. He took his hand and ran it lightly down her back, trailing a finger between her ass cheeks. He chuckled as her muscles clenched around his finger.

“What are you doing,” she mumbled sleepily. “It’s too early.”

“It’s never too early,” he murmured in reply, laying feather kisses along her back. Moving down along the side of her ribs, he planted light kisses and nips. The sensations caused Annika to jerk and then she giggled out loud. Kieran sat back in surprise.

Annika Foss actually giggled. His face split into a grin. He leaned forward and started nibbling again. This time, she reached her hand back and tried to swat him away. He moved his mouth over one tight ass cheek and bit down. Annika squealed but he made things right by licking over the bite mark. She sighed in pleasure.

Kieran loved her responsiveness. Moving his hand back down again, he nudged her legs apart and lightly stroked between them. He could hear Annika’s breaths become more shallow and she lifted her hips off the bed in further invitation. Kieran took his time, stroking her lightly, rimming the inside of her core with just his fingertip. He enjoyed this light teasing but his erection was throbbing.

“Kieran, if you don’t fuck me now, I’m going to scream.”

Not needing to be told twice, Kieran rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs with his own. Reaching down, he grabbed both hips and pulled her up on all fours while he knelt behind her.

Smoothing his hands over her butt, he whispered. “What do you want Annika?”

She growled in response. “I want you inside of me now, you damned tease.”

Kieran laughed out loud but gave her what she wanted. Guiding his cock to her entrance, he pushed inside. He loved that initial feeling of seating himself inside of her. The feel of her tight muscles clenching him had his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He held still for a moment but Annika started rolling her hips. Kieran didn’t wait and started matching her rhythm.

They started out slow but steadily increased their pace, the thrusts and counter thrusts matching each other perfectly. Heavy breathing and the slapping of skin on skin were the only noises. On, and on, they moved and writhed, almost in perfect synchronicity. It was no surprise to Kieran when they both arrived at their climax at the same time, Kieran groaning and Annika giving a whimper.

Not wanting to scare Annika off with any unsolicited cuddling, he pulled out of her and lay back down on his side. She rolled from her stomach to face him.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi back.”

They both smiled at each other. Kieran reached out to smooth a hand over her cheek but Annika pulled back and rolled out of bed. “I need to use the bathroom”.

Kieran sighed. In no less than twelve hours, they had both shared numerous, mind blowing orgasms. They had rocked their bodies back and forth. They had tasted each other in the most intimate places and yet Annika still pulled away at the first sign of tenderness.

None of this made sense to Kieran. First, he was not the type to want to show tenderness to a woman. Sex to him was sex. It was about satisfying carnal desires. Mutual pleasuring. Then you go your separate ways. As much as he wanted to think that is what it was with Annika, the truth of the matter was he had a singular compulsion to touch her with tenderness a bit ago. And she had pulled away. He should never have had the desire to do that and what’s worse, it shouldn’t have cut him a little that she did pull away.

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