Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,65

I didn't bother trying to convince him otherwise.

Any other time, I might have, but when he suggested that I take my turn first, my entire body sang. I'd been pushing, ignoring the aches and sluggish movements, but the stress and all the shit since I'd met the trio had caught up with me.

I glanced over at Trace, and when he extended his hand, I took it. We disappeared, and our essence entwined before he pulled us up through the ceiling.

In what appeared to be the Tech's original bedroom, a small bed pushed against the wall, a tiny table, and a single short lamp filled the space. Utilitarian but clean, it worked, so I crawled onto the mattress and flopped down.

The sound of boots hitting the floor preceded my body being rolled towards the wall.

I groaned, giving voice to the protests of my muscles. Only one thing separated me from sleep. So, I dove inside of myself and took a quick peek at my monster. It didn't appear to be medicated, but it also didn't seem to be interested in causing chaos. Instead, it floated on the top of the water with its hands behind its head and its legs crossed at the ankles. Deciding to take the risk, I pushed my way back to the surface and found Trace's heavy limbs draped over me.

“You're squishing me,” I complained.

“And you're talking too much. Go to sleep,” Trace groused while lifting his arm and leg just enough so I could wiggle.

After finally finding a comfortable position, I relaxed, letting my tenseness sink through the floor. The instant I closed my eyes, Trace dropped his arm and leg back onto me, shoving me into the mattress.

I opened my mouth, prepared to argue, or maybe bite him if needed. But when he snuggled a little closer and breathed a sigh that matched the contentment flowing from him, I pressed my lips together. Later, I'll find something to do to him later.

My body shook, and I heard someone calling my name.

“Go away,” Trace growled.

“It's time to wake up. The old guy is nearly done, so Axton and I thought we'd catch a little bit of rest.”

Wake up? I never got to sleep to begin with. Did I? My eyes didn't want to open, and they felt weighted down as I tried. A blurry Kian appeared, and the corners of my lips tipped up. Eventually, I would ask why he had such an effect on me, but until I could deal with the answers those questions might bring, I'd enjoy the sight of his wide grin.

I shoved Trace, pushing him onto his back before I crawled over his body. My stomach wrenched as though I pulled on a healing wound, the stitch-like pattern of pain worsening with each movement. Focusing on Kian's blue eyes framed by his dual-colored lashes helped me to ignore it

I wobbled atop Trace; both of us still groggy. He groaned as my knee dug in, and Kian reached out, grabbing me under my arms before pulling me to him.

“Hi, Princess. Sleep well?” Kian asked, ending his question with a peck.

“I'm not even sure I slept at all. I'll go down and watch the old guy. Maybe I'll find out his name.” I held onto Kian's shoulders and used him to steady myself as I trampled Trace.

“Go away, both of you. I'm too tired for this.” His hand waved, slapping me on the ass.

Kian blinked a couple of times, and then he shook his head.

“I'm being nice, I'm being nice,” he mumbled under his breath before crawling onto the bad and wrapping himself around Trace like he'd found a stuffed bear.

I left them to deal with their own thing, and Trace's grumbling followed me down the stairs. Axton met me at the bottom, and he peered around me, likely wondering where Trace was.

“I left him there. Just lay on top of him. He won't mind,” I said, patting Axton on the shoulder.

“He's supposed to be here. Not taking off for both shifts. Don't worry, I'll send him down.” He leaned down, planting a small kiss on my cheek before turning for the stairs.

“Let him sleep,” I called to his retreating back.

Axton waved a hand and kept marching up.

Once he reached the top, I grabbed the container of tabs in my pocket and poured a couple into my palm. They crunched between my teeth, leaving their bitter taste coating my mouth.

When I entered the small area where the old Tech sat hunched over a Copyright 2016 - 2024