Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,64

the scar to be exactly like it was before. I also need to use the old chips, but only when we want to.”

He climbed onto his stool and produced a wheeze that concerned me. I reached out but pulled back before I insulted him. Over and over, I started and stopped, accomplishing nothing more than jerking myself around. It was just so painful to watch him struggle to sit. That's all he was doing, sitting, and even that seemed to be too strenuous.

His narrow chest rose and fell so rapidly that I clicked on my Sight to check his anchors. I found more than I expected when I spotted Kian's Grim form behind the old guy. With his wings fluttering, Kian watched, waiting just in case he needed to catch the tech. My eyes lowered, zeroing in on the main tether. I'd seen so many beings at their end, and although his soul didn't seem to be withering, he worried me.

We all remained still until he could speak. We spent the entire time torn between fighting the urge to help and knowing that I had nothing to offer.

Finally, he spoke in breathy words. “I might have an answer. It will be difficult, though.”

I nodded, oddly happy he wanted to haggle. Any merchant that began with stating how hard or rare something was to obtain planned to ask an exorbitant price. I didn't mind, not if he pulled it off.

“Six items in exchange.” His odd eyes watched me as I shook my head.

“Four. Four of us, four items,” I said firmly as I clasped my hands.

“Five then. Discount for previous customers.”

“Four or we find someone else. Hakkon is not the only place with Techs. And you seem a lot shakier than the last time we were here.”

“Fine, four.” He jotted down whatever he chose and slid the sheet across the desk.

I stepped forward, met Kian's eyes, and jutted my chin out, hoping he understood. After a quick glance down, I stuck the paper in my pocket. My soul came forward eagerly, cloaking me as I zipped away to gather my payment.

All four items weren't hard to locate. After all, they were in the same place I'd seen them the last time I'd reaped a soul on Hakkon. The old Tech needed medical supplies. Although I couldn't really experience guilt in my Grim form, I knew I should, so when I floated into the empty room at the local care center, I added a few extras to my hoard.

When I returned to the others, I dropped off the extra supplies in what appeared to be his bedroom, tossing them onto the bed so he would be sure to find them. Once finished, I drifted over to where the old guy worked with Kian still hovering behind him. Kian shrugged, and I nodded, glancing over to check on the two visible Reapers. Axton and Trace were in the same place I'd left them, both seemingly bored and relaxed.

Satisfied all was well, I returned my attention to the Tech. With his magnifiers down and slim fingers flying, he built a thin band laced with wires and other things I couldn't name. The shimmering material's color changed with the movement, fascinating me.

Backing away, I solidified and cleared my throat. “I have my payment.”

He waved a hand, mumbling instructions for me to drop it on the desk, so I did. After that, nothing else happened. With time ticking by, I floated back to Axton and leaned close.

“How many has he done?” I whispered.

“Just the one. Wait, no. Looks like he's starting on a second one.”

Fuck. We all measured time differently, if at all, but its value remained the same no matter where we landed. Hakkon was still bound by the rules of the universe, after all. Each moment that passed was a moment closer to when I would be expected to officially open the OMIEB.

“We might have to come back,” I said as I stared up at Axton.

His eyes cut over to where the Tech hunched over his invention. “If we do, we'll take at least half of the payment with us. Then the three of us can return as soon as we make excuses. You'll come when you can. That's all we can do.”

I sighed, knowing his words made sense. Didn't mean I liked them, though. “Why don't you two get some sleep? I'll wake you soon.”

“No. You and Trace should go first. I'll keep watch. Don't argue, just do it.” Axton's jaw clenched, and Copyright 2016 - 2024