Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,35

the risk one is missed. Much safer to check them off all at once.”

“Well, at least there's some good news. Maybe the Angels won't have as much trouble meeting this ridiculous deadline. I'm thinking I might be able to get Corin to convince his father to push it back.” Their scoffs didn't deter me. I had a solid plan. Winging it is a plan, right?

“And why would he do that? This is clearly set up for failure. He's coming after you and us by extension, and this is the only way he can do it without showing the truth to every citizen in Enyre. I just don't understand why he's risking looking bad before Oscal.” Axton rubbed his hands over his face, scrubbing so hard that his skin turned a dark grey.

“He would do that because one,” I raised my finger, ticking it off as I listed my reasons. “Corin asked him. Sure, Corin is the baby, but that means he's a favorite of most of his siblings and everyone else. Everybody loves him. Two, if we can spin it into a celebration of how King Lorian saved an entire world that has been languishing forever, it helps him look good. And three, like you said, if I can discover his backup plan and ruin it, he'll have no alternative if he wishes to preserve his self-perceived advantage over Oscal.”

“Backup plan?” Trace shot up, pacing as he rubbed his chin.

“Of course, he has one. He can't afford to show the world that he can't handle one little planet. His ego alone wouldn't tolerate that. But I'm a complication, so if he can establish that I'm incompetent, my standing and reputation falls. Everyone forgets all about me, and my protection disappears like that.” I snapped my fingers and glanced at Grace to find her agreeing.

My heart stuttered as I realized I'd just mentioned far too much in front of someone that might be here to funnel out information.

“I've seen it happen to others. He treats the Angels in the same manner. My mother had an accident soon after he discredited her. Nobody cared.” She looked away, and the slight sniffling that followed yanked on my emotions.

Fuck. Is she playing a part? If so, she's working all the angles.

“I'm sorry about your mother, Grace. I just realized we know little about you, and I would like for us to be a team. Yes, it's my life on the line as the Master, but you'll all be associated with it if we succeed or fail. And we'll be around each other until Helia, at least.”

She jerked around with wide eyes, and Trace paused his pacing to fix his narrowed gaze on me. Kian gave her an encouraging smile, while Axton shifted slightly, leaning back as if giving her space.

“Oh, well, what would you like to know?” Her hands twisted in her lap as she wrung them together.

“I'll go first. Maybe that will put you at ease a little, okay?” I patted her thigh and drew in a deep breath.

“I already know about you. We all do.” She slapped her hand over her mouth and curled into herself.

Hmmm. And what does that mean?

“Angels are gossiping about me? I must be really famous. Well, what do they say?” I smiled, trying to make light of it.

Inside, I seethed. Fucking Angels.

“Just that you're the daughter of Master Akai, and you don't follow the rules very well. They say you're the reason—” She clammed up and stared at the ground.

“Well, go on. I promise I've heard a lot worse than this.” If she didn't speak, I would shake it out of her. Who the fuck did those pompous assholes think they were? Fucking pot lickers.

“That you are why he's still a Master and not an Assemblian,” she whispered.

I couldn't help it. Laughter burst out of me, startling her and bringing tears to her eyes. When I saw them pool, I sobered, shoving down the giggles that bubbled up. I wasn't sure what caused her reaction, but I would have bet that she was often the recipient of being made fun of. Until I could determine exactly where she stood, I had to walk a fine line between being myself and playing the part expected of a Grim.

“No, no. I wasn't laughing at you. Just the thought that Master Akai wanted to be an Assemblian is so ludicrous, I couldn't help it. You've met him. Does he seem the type to want to deal with city planning and Copyright 2016 - 2024