Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,30

will do as I say, Con. Do not forget what I do for you and your friends. Every time I help you, I place myself in jeopardy for not only death but also destruction.” I didn't mention that Grouping Mannix now rested their heads on the chopping block alongside me. That would only give Con more fuel for leverage, and though he might not use it, I wouldn't risk it. “Remember who diverts product to your section as well as deflecting attention away from it. All of that could stop. If you don't want me as an enemy, you will do this.”

His messy yellow hair bobbed around his face as he nodded vigorously. “Of course, I was just making sure. That's all. It's going to be hard, you know.”

I stepped back but didn't give him much breathing room. It seemed Con needed reminding who had the most to lose in our arrangement. My history with the Soulless before me was complicated, and I hated power plays, but I couldn't risk the consequences of failure all because Con wanted to be a big boy.

“And when have I left you without a plan?” I asked.

“Well, never. I'm just worried.”

“You aren't the only one. I'll send you instructions. Give me a couple of binals to get everything together. You'll need to keep only your most trusted around the portal. The place I have in mind is very close to the palace.” He turned very green and clutched his stomach. “We're safer right under their nose. Trust me. Now, I know this ruined your effects. Take another tab and pass mine over.”

He nodded and removed a box from his pocket. After tossing it to me, he dipped his hand into his other pocket and plucked out his own container, choosing a yellow tab before placing it on his tongue.

I opened up the lid and glanced over the contents before snapping it shut again. “Looks good. Last point of business. It's almost time for another siphoning. I'm thinking that the opening of my Office would be the ideal distraction to sneak over and play around with the supplies. Have your boy at the drop. I'll send the location by him, too.”

“Perfect. We missed the last one, and things are getting pretty dire for some of us.” My face must have changed because he patted my shoulder and added, “Hey, I know it wasn't your fault. That piece of shit King is more hollow than any of us. At least we have hearts. Fucking scratcher.”

I glared down at where his hand still rested, slowly massaging my shoulder. When he jerked back, I felt a twinge of something too soft.

Before I could ruthlessly shove it down, words popped out of my mouth. “Remember when we met?”

A wicked grin tugged his lips as a sparkle entered his eyes. “Oh, yeah. If you want to, we could reenact it. For old time's sake, of course.”

That helped me wrangle the nostalgia and blow it apart. “And the second time we met?”

His smile dimmed but didn't disappear. The yellow tab had already begun to work, leaving him with an intense joy inside. I could have threatened to chop his cock off, and he would have been elated about it.

Finally, he answered. “Yeah, I'm pretty sure I still have the bruises. You said that we wouldn't fuck again, but if I could follow directions and behave, we could fuck over the King. And then you listed a whole lot of punishments if I should fail.”

That list made me shudder inwardly, even while I appeared cold to him. I remembered how my heart beat too fast and how scared I was that he would make me exact those punishments—right before I got caught by the Guards. But he hadn't, and we'd had a mutually beneficial relationship ever since. Still, a little reminder of the consequences never hurt.

“Do I need to repeat them? I've never had to use them, and I do have a few new ones I've learned since then that work on even the Soulless. If you'd like, I can explain them all in detail.” When I stepped forward, he melted against the wall again, shaking his head.

“That's okay. I remember.”

“Good. Be careful, Con.”

Before turning away, I reached out and patted his arm. A niggle of guilt rose as he flinched, but I knocked it aside and ignored the monster who gulped down the fear wafting off Con.

When I exited the small storage area, the Merchant waited until I completed the ritual. Copyright 2016 - 2024