Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,24

head bowed, I couldn't see her face to judge anything, but from the rest of her body language, she did not do well with confrontation.

Either she plays a good part, or she's tougher than she appears. Angels aren't known for their sweet disposition. Somehow, I need to find out how far she can be trusted.

Something inside told me she could be an ally, but that thing had no evidence, and Trace hadn't been lying when he called me paranoid.

“Hello, Angel Grace. I would like to start by apologizing for the delay and thanking you for returning.” I brushed past the grouchy pair of Reapers and took a seat across from her. “Are you ready to begin?”

Shadow crawled up my back and settled on my shoulder, where she sent a burst of happiness and comfort through me. Before that could dissipate fully, a series of images flashed through my mind. She was not happy with me, either. It seemed like nearly everyone tried to instill guilt.

I sought to maintain a professional demeanor for Grace's sake. It worked until Grim Grouping Mannix decided they couldn't hold their personal grievances until after we ushered the Angel out of the unit.

Just as I flipped open the rule book, Trace stomped over and slapped it shut. As the pages covered my fingers, I stared at the cover, refusing to look up. I pushed it back open, and again, he closed it, keeping it sealed with his hand.

Heat swirled inside, and none of it signaled fun times ahead. Gritting my teeth, I asked, “Problem, Trace?”

“Fuck yes, I have a problem. Did you really think we would simply pretend nothing happened?”

Flaring nostrils and a blazing glare greeted me when my head snapped up.

“I hoped you could be professional for at least a little while,” I answered coolly.

He scoffed and stood straight with his arms folded across his chest. “Like you were?”

Jumping up, I warned him, “Now is not the time for this, Grim Haffin.”

“Better now than spending our meeting with this hanging in the air. I can promise you that nothing will get done until we resolve this,” Axton chimed in.

As I turned to confront him, I spotted Grace curling even further into herself. The sight pulled up a surge of pity for her, and it only compounded with each flinch she exhibited as Trace kept bitching.

“Fine,” I interrupted him, aiming to keep my voice level. “Let's take this discussion elsewhere since you two are so keen on arguing this early. No, Trace. You don't get a say. Either we do this in private or not at all.”

He grumbled but followed me as I started towards the door. Axton trailed behind him, silently polluting the air with his anger. Kian waited in the doorway to the kitchen with a pair of mugs in his hands. He took in the three of us and offered me a small smile.

Pausing, I took a step towards him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“Have fun,” he whispered.

After I pulled away, I winked and resumed my exit. The instant my foot cleared the threshold, I jerked my soul form out, allowing it to replace my husk. Before anyone could blink, I disappeared and shot off from my unit.

The forested area seemed like a perfect place for us to have a nice screaming match without witnesses. It had hidden us before, after all. Shadow kept tapping my skull, then pausing as if she couldn't find anything inside. She was such a bitch sometimes.

Chapter Thirteen

The two pot lickers arrived shortly after I did, no doubt guided by Trace's Finder ability. The instant they ripped their hoods off, their glares burned into me.

Trace floated towards me, glowering the entire way, but it wasn't him who spoke first. No, that honor went to Axton.

“What were you thinking?” His voice was low and cold.

If I'd been anyone else, it might have scared me. Probably would have. Except, I wasn't anyone else, and I didn't care for what he insinuated.

“I suppose you mean my drink before bed?” I asked, spinning and strolling away.

While I ambled along the small path forged by the animals which lived within the wooded area, I looked upward, hoping to find the source of the song that weaved around us. Instead, growls and stomping replaced the bird's call as the Grims followed me, but it didn't last long. It only took moments before a hand yanked to a halt.

As Axton rushed in front of me, he spat, “Drink? Is that what you call Copyright 2016 - 2024