Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,197

or sneezing on others. No, he wanted to see if we knew who was behind it all yet and if we’d taken care of it. Growing up with a spy, even one that denied it, taught me to recognize when someone said one thing but really spoke about another altogether.

“I’m afraid we aren’t sure, but luckily no one else has had the same troubles. Something I’m quite glad about considering exactly how sick Kian’s been,” I explained calmly, though my insides still clenched at the memory that passed through my head, one of Kian dying right in front of me.

“Perhaps you should research and discover the origin. It may be important,” Akai stated. “It’s rather interesting the timing of our missed visits, don’t you think?”

I nodded. I’d thought the same thing.

“Well, I believe we should begin our walk towards the King’s office. Come, I’d like to discuss a minor incident you had recently,” he said as he stood.

Holding my groan in, I obeyed, rising at the same moment that Grace shot up from her seat. She cut her eyes towards me but didn’t linger. She was first to exit, and Master Akai and I followed.

My legs weakened, and I was sure I should be drenched with sweat. My adoptive father had been kinder since he’d told me to run, even when he’d lamented that I’d stayed, but this version of him always felt more dangerous. It bubbled with unpredictable actions and plots.

We floated behind Grace, who walked a few paces ahead of us with her head down and shaking fingers. I’d wanted to use this time to calm her and give her information, but she would have to stand on her own.

“I heard a rumor that you had an altercation with an Angel,” he murmured, keeping his voice low to avoid being overheard.

His eyes continuously moved, scanning the corridors and only lingering on the faces we passed just long enough to take note of them. When I didn’t speak, that gaze landed on me.

“Do you have nothing to say?” he asked.

“I wasn’t sure you wished for me to respond,” I answered, referring to his lack of a question. And I’m not sure which Angel you mean. “But I can confirm the rumor to be true.”

There was no use in denying. Too many witnesses watched, and I was positive that most would have raced to spread the juicy news the moment they could. Sometimes, one could twist a misdeed and make it appear as a necessary, even good, action. And it had been unavoidable if I hoped to warn others away from harming the trio or Grace. That little display with Mina hadn’t fixed our problems, but I believed that it might give my opponents pause. Since many of their pitiful intimidators hadn’t returned, I’d proven to be dangerous, so they’d sent more. By demonstrating that I did not hold any concern for repercussions from those above me by striking an Angel in public, I’d reminded them I was both unpredictable and unconcerned about the retribution of anyone.

Master Akai’s head bobbed before saying, “Did you file a report? When a Master makes a judgment and doles out punishment, we expect them to follow protocol. Even when they do not require deliberation.”

Ah, so he’s upset because I didn’t do the paperwork. Never mind that the Angels would chew through their leashes to correct the insult. One must never forget that it is paperwork that makes the world turn smoothly.

“Of course, Master. I will complete the forms once I am dismissed from the King's meeting,” I said, trying to sound subservient.

The quick lift of his lips told me I hadn’t quite gotten it right. “See that you do. While I am aware that some situations require such things to be put off, always correct them at the first available moment. This will be your only warning.”

I tipped my upper half forward slightly, displaying a bow that signified my obedience. Well, as much compliance as I could give. In front of us, Grace pivoted and disappeared through a doorway.

My speed increased, but Master Akai grabbed my arm, holding me behind. When I turned with a question in my eyes, he murmured, “Sometimes, one is beyond all hope of curing and must be removed from the population so that his sickness is not allowed to contaminate others.” He released my arm and, slightly louder, he continued, “Tell Kian that I wish him well.”

I nodded slowly, my brain flipping through ideas as if they were leaves Copyright 2016 - 2024