Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,186

murdered one, in particular. An Angel from a high family, their version of our legacies, mistakenly believed that I gave a shit about her heritage or her position in their society. We’d just called the group she was assigned to when she began her jabs.

Sniffing, the tall, blond female lifted her nose in the air and greeted Grace. “Angel Grace, I’d wondered where your father hid you. I suppose at least you are being somewhat useful here, even if it is under the—” She cut herself off to eye me, her gaze looking me up and down. A grimace marred her beautiful face as if she’d found me lacking. “Reapers,” she finally finished, disdain dripping from the word.

“Cherub Mina, if you would follow us, we’ll escort you to Earth, so we can begin,” Grace suggested, her tone meek and thin.

“I don’t believe we will be needing your help, Angel Grace,” Mina countered.

Grace shrunk even more, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the ferrule tighter. Her eyes remained on the floor, never lifting above the shoes of those in front of her. When Mina shifted, Grace took a step back.

Meanwhile, wave after wave of fire boiled my veins, and I nearly cracked my teeth as I tried to allow Grace the opportunity to handle them. I had to close my eyes and take measured breaths to keep from launching myself at the white-robed scratcher. When Mina demanded the code with her hand out as if she expected Grace to simply give over the ferrule just because Mina said so, I raised my shoulders, rolling them as I loosened my muscles. My mind whispered, Fuck it.

My eyes popped open, and I took a giant step forward at the same moment that Mina took a step towards Grace. I jumped in between them, coming nearly nose to nose with Mina. She flinched and leaned back, but quickly recovered, twisting her face into a sneer.

“You will walk your stiff ass to the portal room and do as you’re told, Angel Mina. I do not have time for your shit right now,” I snapped, balling my fists up inside my sleeves.

“Reaper—” Mina began.

I cut her off before she could continue. Calling me Reaper was a blatant insult, and she might have gotten away with it with Grace, but that wouldn’t happen with me.

“Master of Masters Healani is what you will call me, Cherub,” I spat. “I am the equivalent of your Powers, and you will treat me as such. Moreover, I am now your direct superior. You would be wise to stop acting like a child, and thank me for the warning.”

Her eyes widened a fraction, and she opened and closed her mouth a few times before trying to cover her honest reaction with a haughty expression.

“A Reaper cannot command Angels. Neither can the single Angel that you do have in this Ministry, not with her lack of designation. She doesn’t even have a lowly title, so no, I won’t be thanking such an insignificant being, no matter what your silly ego demands,” she said, with only a slight tremor peeking in occasionally.

She stood there, her nose in the air and her chin making an attractive target. Seconds later, my fist connected with that proud chin, and she fell backwards, her white cloak fluttering around her. She cried out when she landed and slid to a stop at her friend’s feet. They’d jumped back, but not far enough to be entirely out of her path.

Gasps replaced the murmured conversation of the other Angel groups scattered throughout the lobby, and all eyes were on us, darting between Mina and me. I loomed over her, where she sat on the floor, crying and cradling her swelling wrist.

My glare warned her friends against interfering, and none of them attempted to help her. Mina peered up at me, the arrogance washed from her face by her tears. Perhaps I should have felt guilty. After all, I could feel it radiating off Grace, but I had no patience for creatures that enjoyed hurting those that couldn’t fight back. My position was a touch hypocritical because Mina ranked below me, but I’d be far kinder than many of those near my level.

Besides, I’d been too nice since I’d met the trio, more so since I’d gained my title and appointment. That resulted in an entire group of Reapers feeling comfortable enough to follow me, attack me, and kill Kian. No, calm, sweet Zella had died right along with Kian.

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