Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,183

he needed that to hold himself up. Trace peered over his shoulder, his eyes locked on Kian’s face. He shuffled as Grace pushed past him and ducked under Axton’s arms.

“What is it?” she asked, her words rushed.

She hurried to the other side of the bed, already beginning to glow as she reached for her healing ability.

“He spoke,” I whooped, my voice fused with lightness.

My heart bounced in my chest, and I wanted to move, to jump, to run a victory lap, to hug strangers, but I didn’t dare leave. Instead, I stared down at him with wide eyes, like a mother waiting for her child’s second step. I just needed to hear something, anything to prove that I hadn’t been wrong.

“Thirsty,” he croaked.

Grace sucked in a breath, then promptly dissolved into tears. She fell to her knees, reaching for his hand.

A flurry of activity could be heard from the doorway, but I didn’t twist to see what was happening. If I looked away, I feared that I would turn back only to find none of it was true. That was quickly explained, anyway, when Trace thrust a mug of water at me.

I shifted, sitting up so I could grab it. One hand gripped it so hard that my fingers were bleached of what little color they had. The other gently cradled Kian's head, lifting him so he could take a drink.

Once the rim touched his lips, I tipped it ever so slightly and said, “Just a bit.”

He blinked, and glassy blue eyes peered up at me. Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I gave him a crooked grin. Something expanded inside of me, making it hard to inflate my lungs.

“That’s enough,” I rasped, pulling the mug away. “Too much, and you might get sick.”

He nodded before slumping back, seemingly worn out by the mundane action of drinking. His eyes fluttered closed when I released his head, my hand sweeping an errant lock of hair away.

“I can’t find anything wrong with him,” Grace said, startling me.

I’d forgotten she was there. Now that I noticed the others, I sensed Trace and Axton hovering behind me. I twisted, looking up, and shot them a wide grin. Axton smiled back, but his eyes still carried that dullness that came with a heavy burden. Bevan, he’s remembering Bevan.

“He’s alive,” I said quietly, reaching out for Axton’s hand.

He grabbed it, gripping my fingers so tightly they ground together. I didn’t mind the pain. Nothing could dampen the waves of joy that pulsed through me.

My eyes cut to Trace when he shook his head and groused, “And now he’s not even bothering to hold his own cups. Just lazy.”

His words didn’t match the toothy smile on his face. He lifted onto his toes before dropping down again, rocking in place as if he, too, had an energy that demanded to be expended.

Shadow bounced between Kian and me, and each touch imparted punches of happiness. I wasn’t sure if she genuinely understood or if she merely fed off our mood, but regardless of the cause, she seemed to have fun. It didn’t appear to bother Kian, so I didn’t tell her to stop.

Eventually, after Kian did nothing but sleep, the room cleared, leaving him and me alone once again. With them gone, I sagged, and I snuggled against Kian’s warm body. Wrapped around him, I closed my eyes and whispered, “I’m glad you’ve learned to listen to me.”

A faint hum—one suspiciously sounding like disbelief—vibrated in his chest. My lips curled up, and I squeezed him a little tighter.

Chapter Sixty-Two

“So, what happened?” Kian asked before taking a drink of something that Grace made for him.

He grimaced and peered into the mug, swirling it around. Two binals after he first woke, he’d grown strong enough to sit up on his own and stay awake for longer stretches.

Now, he sat up, leaning against the wall while the packed room stared at him like they were afraid to pull their eyes off him. Trace stood at the foot of the bed, his arms folded over his chest. Axton lounged on a chair he’d stolen from somewhere, and Grace perched on the edge of the bed, her hands resting on her thigh. I’d squeezed myself beside Kian, still too clingy to be away from him for long. Only Shadow was missing from the meeting. She’d returned to her favorite fake tree to take a nap, bored with our ridiculous watching.

“Well?” Kian asked after time lapsed without anyone answering. “The last thing I remember Copyright 2016 - 2024