Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,168

might help,” I answered, keeping my voice as low as his.

Nobody else roamed the hall, but one never knew in Enyre.

Trace scoffed, straightening back up when he observed an Assemblian turn the corner and float towards us. The Assemblian grinned when he spotted me, his face wrinkling even more as the corners of his lips forced his skin up.

“Ah, my favorite Master,” Assemblian Corlia said when he got close enough.

Trace and I bowed slightly, standing when Assemblian Corlia clucked his tongue. He’d ordered us not to bow, but we did it anyway. He didn’t mind apparently, but if anyone else saw, then rumors would begin to fly. No one could gossip like the palace staff.

“How are you?” I asked, a smile pulling at my lips in response to how pleasant Corlia always seemed.

A glance at Trace showed that he, too, had a slight grin. I turned back to Corlia, grasping his hands in mine when he offered them.

“I am well. Another boring meeting?” Corlia’s fluffy brows rose. When I nodded, he sighed. “I’m also here for one of the torture sessions. I swear, they prefer spending more time talking about the things we should do or things we have done, rather than actually doing those things. Sometimes, I wonder why I’m here instead of in some tiny unit out in the middle of a forest somewhere.”

“Ah, you say that every time, so I think you like your work, meetings and all,” I countered.

“Perhaps,” he conceded. Then he winked and continued, “But I’ll never admit it. Well, I’ll let you two get going. I know how Master Akai can be when one is late.”

We parted, but just before we rounded the corner, Trace peeked over his shoulder. When we made the turn, he shook his head.

“What?” I asked after I spotted no one following us.

His brows furrowed, but he whispered, “Nothing.”

I halted, switched on my Sight, and scanned the area. Finding no souls hiding, I repeated my question.

Trace sighed and glanced behind him as if he could see Corlia. Of course, he couldn’t, but he kept staring as he spoke. “There’s just something about him I find strange. He’s…” Trace rubbed his fingers together as if that would spark the words he needed. Finally, he spat out, “Too happy all the time. It’s weird.”

I started walking again, reaching out to pull him with me when he didn’t automatically move with me. Gripping his arm, I pressed myself close to him so I could remain quiet.

“So, you don’t like him because he’s happy?” I asked, ending my question more loudly than I intended.

Trace just shrugged. I opened my mouth to press him, force him to answer, but then Neil emerged at the end of the hall. I pressed my lips shut, settling for squeezing Trace’s arm.

I ducked my head, hoping that Neil wouldn’t notice me. He seemed to be in a hurry, judging by his quick steps and determined expression. Trace didn’t appear to be on the same page because I felt the emotions that billowed off him. He’d tensed beneath my hand, and I just knew that he glowered at my ex.

“Zella!” Neil exclaimed.

Fuck. I do not have time for this.

I pasted on a bland countenance and looked up. In a monotone voice, I said, “Neil.”

“I’m glad to see you. I’ve meant to ask if you have a few moments to spare,” he rushed out, then sucked in a breath as if he planned to continue.

I halted that with, “I’m afraid I do not. I believe I’ve suggested that you speak with Grace. She makes the schedule for the OMIEB.”

She didn’t, but it sounded good. Plus, she wasn’t anywhere around us.

“Well, I’ve tried, but I need an appointment to talk with her, too.” His face screwed up, puzzled.

“That’s unfortunate. Now I really must be going. Tell Nassar I said hello,” I added, already walking before I finished speaking.

“But—” Neil objected.

Trace growled and wrapped an arm around my waist while glaring back at Neil. I huffed out a breath. Just hike a leg and get it over with, why don’t you?

When we turned the corner, Trace finally broke his stare and faced forward. “I don’t like him,” he snarled.

“Me, either.” I sighed, still unsure why Neil insisted on badgering me when I’d made it obvious that we would never happen again.

Maybe I should meet with him. What if he’s trying to tell me something actually important? Nah, Neil’s never been important in his entire life. Nevertheless, he’s been persistent.

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