Stolen and Seduced - Christine Pope Page 0,25

and had to grit his teeth not to thrust into her roughly. "I want to make you feel good, princess, but I have not done come with my cock inside of a woman before and I feel as though my seed will explode out of me at any moment."

The dragon pushed at him so hard now his scales rippled and the armored plates on his arms and legs pushed out from his skin, matching those on his cock. He slowly slid in and out of her body and with each pass, the ridges flexed and grew.

She panted and groaned out a whole series of unending words. "No way I believe you're a virgin. You're too good at this, and you're too hot for the ladies to have left you alone. You've got some kind of magical penis. What are you doing to my g-spot?"

Ash only half understood what she was saying, but it didn't matter. He needed every cell in his brain to concentrate on making her come before he did. His dragon knew exactly what to do.

Her cunt squeezed him tight, trying to milk him into orgasm, but Ash leaned forward and scraped his fangs across her shoulder and bit her flesh, sending his fire straight into her bloodstream. She cried out to her god and her orgasm raced through her, exploding and taking Ash with her. His hips jerked and the ridges in his cock flared, pulsating until his seed was spent inside of her body.

They collapsed together onto the cot and Ash rolled her to lay across his chest and hold her in his arms. His mind drifted in the hazy afterglow, his dragon reaching out and searching for her mind to share these intense feelings with her. But she wasn't Dracon and...

"Whew, boy. I have hit the good in bed guy jackpot. I've never come so hard in my life. We should patent his dick and turn it into a sex toy. We'll make a bazillion dollars."

Ash chuckled then froze. Her eyes were closed, her face pressed to his chest, and she hadn't moved her lips.


She lifted her head, and with a sexy, well-satisfied grin on her face said, "Yes, my Mad Hatter?"


If this was Stockholm Syndrome, Ruby was moving to Sweden immediately. But only if Ash was coming with her.

She'd never believed in love at first sight. But that's not what this was, it was love at first kidnapping.

Love. She was absolutely head over heels for this guy... dragon... blood slave.

Ruby sat bolt upright and poked Ash in the chest. "We have to find a way to free you. Like right now."

Ash took her hand and kissed it, then worked his way down to her wrist and followed the path of her new tattoos, uh dragon mate's marks. She stared at them and his lips, distracted for a minute. He made her feel truly beautiful, not because she had on couture clothes, or her eight-hundred-dollar haircut and highlights or wore designer perfume.

It was his love, and the physical manifestation of his claim on her that had her thinking for the first time, that if someone else loved her, maybe she could love herself a bit better too.

"No one escapes. The blood bond can only be broken by the master or mistress or their death. Pretty damn hard to kill an immortal. Slaves are bought and sold. That's it."

"You were going to buy yourself?" That was such a completely foreign concept to her. She couldn't even imagine being owned by someone else. She knew someone in the back of her mind that slavery had been a thing on Earth. It just hadn't ever affected her life. That was her privilege up until now and she needed to change that.

"I guess I'm sorry I screwed that up for you. But also, I'm not sorry." She thought for a few minutes. "What if we could find another way to get your money?"

"Unless you have two million laying around, which until last night, I might have believed you did, it's unlikely. I've heard stories in the ranks of blood slaves that do a lot of trade and side hustles to buy their freedom and it still takes them hundreds of years to make enough." He kissed her hand again. "We'll find a way, my fires."

If only she hadn't burned her bridges with Roman and Ember. But if she hadn't, she probably never would have met - aka been kidnapped by - Ash. There had to be a way for Copyright 2016 - 2024