Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,94

Alec on the shoulder. “Now, there’s just one more thing.” His voice is casual, but his eyes are assessing Alec’s every reaction. “I’d like to offer you the position of chief of security, Alec.” Alec gapes at him, then licks his lips nervously. “In fact,” my father continues, “it’s one of the clauses in the new contract. I need someone who I can trust and who will make sure everything runs smoothly. Someone who everyone on the team respects.”

“That’s…” Alec begins, his voice catching. “That’s very generous, sir.”

My father smiles widely. “Does that mean you accept?”

Alec huffs out a laugh. “Of course. It’ll be a privilege.” He stands, looming over my father, who has to tilt his head to meet his eyes.

Dad extends a hand, and Alec shakes it. My father claps him on the shoulder when Alec tries to move back, keeping him in place.

“I never thanked you for saving my son, Alec. Twice.” He glances at me, and his expression is soft with affection. “Thank you. And for the record, I don’t think there’s anyone more qualified to keep Zach safe than you.”

Dad is such a huge public figure, such a powerful man, that I often forget that he’s actually a father. That he loves us unconditionally, even if he isn’t always there. That he will always protect us and want us to be happy, no matter what. That even when he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, he’s still someone we can count on.

I blink away the moisture in my eyes and grin at Alec when he glances at me. His responding grin reminds me of the sun rising above the lake in Vermont, its sincerity and beauty forever etched in my heart.

Evie calls on our way back to the house. Her test results have come back, and everything looks fine. After some pestering, the doctor’s agreed to discharge her tomorrow if nothing changes.

I have a stupid grin on my face when we hang up.

“I’m scared to say this out loud in case the universe decides to laugh in my face, but I’m really happy.” I shift in my seat to look at Alec. His posture is relaxed as he drives, hand lightly on the steering wheel, easing the car into traffic. “I think everything’s falling into place.”

He smiles at me, offering me his hand. I grab it, entwining our fingers.

“It’s about time.”

In the penthouse, it’s quiet. Our steps echo as we make our way to my room. I’m impatient, too impatient to wait a second longer.

“Alec,” I say, pulling at his arm. He stops, then looks at me, confused. I step into his space, weaving my arms around his neck. “What you said to my dad,” I begin, ridiculously delighted when he blushes. The fact that I can make this strong, confident man blush is exhilarating. “It meant a lot.” I kiss the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.” I kiss the other corner.

Alec groans, pulling me flush against him and devouring my mouth. We stumble backwards. My back presses against the wall as Alec keeps kissing me, his hand sneaking under my shirt.

The sound of a door opening right next to us makes us freeze.

Someone clears their throat.

Alec pulls back enough to look over his shoulder.

“Get a room… Oh, wait, you have one. Two feet away.”

The sound of Felix's voice makes me slump against the wall in relief. It’ll be some time before I can completely relax, not imagining someone’s trying to hurt me every time I hear a noise.

“Felix,” Alec says, clearing his throat and pulling further away from me. “What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”

A shadow of a grin is still etched on Felix's face. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just haven’t slept or showered properly in three days, and Evie insisted I take the day off. Harry is with her at all times.”

“Is Mom here, too?”

Felix nods. “Yes. I believe she’s sleeping. She was quite exhausted.”

My phone buzzes in my pocket, startling me. Again. “Shit,” I mumble as I fish it out. “Adri?”

“Hey. Can you tell them to let me up?”

“Um, sure? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, fine. I just need to talk to you.”

I ask Alec to tell his men to let Adri up, and he does, albeit begrudgingly. I have to figure out how to make these two get along—the constant glares and sniping comments are driving me crazy.

A few moments later, the elevator dings, announcing Adri's arrival.

He saunters over, his face drawn and tired. Before he reaches Copyright 2016 - 2024