Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,87

ties?” Alec asks skeptically.

“Calloway served with the self-appointed leader of Men For Justice. He was his captain. I have emails and phone call recordings of them conspiring to execute—and I quote—anyone who crosses the line.”

“Wait.” I raise my hand, trying to piece all of this together. “Hasn’t anyone been arrested for that murder?”

It’s my father who answers. “The militia’s connections run deep into law enforcement and local government. The case was dismissed as self-defense.”

“There’s more,” Adri says. “I found evidence for obstruction of justice on another case involving the death of a protestor, and Calloway was directly involved. He personally covered for his subordinates on multiple occasions and wasn’t even too careful about covering his tracks. He thinks he’s invincible.”

Alec leans forward, clasping his hands over his knees. “What’s stopping him from retaliating against you when you threaten to expose him?”

“You’re underestimating me again, Alec.” Dad stands and walks over to stand behind Adri, hands propped on the back of his chair. “I have some powerful enemies, that’s true. But I also have powerful friends. And I have a lot of information that many people wouldn’t want me to release into the world.” He makes eye contact with each of us before he leans over Adri and asks, “Is it done?”

Adri takes a USB stick out of the laptop and hands it to my father. “Yes. It’s all here. I’ve permanently deleted the backup files from the laptop.”

“Good.” He puts the USB in his pocket. “I better head out then. I need to make sure the information is secure.” He turns to Adri, offering him his hand. “Good work, Adrian. I wish you’d reconsider coming to work for me on a more permanent basis.”

“I’m flattered, but I like where I am right now.”

David, whose presence I’ve nearly forgotten while we’ve been talking, steps around the desk to collect his things. Gathering the computer Adri has just been using and some files on top of the desk, he hums to himself as he unzips his bag, dropping everything inside.

“Actually,” he says in his monotonous voice. “I’d like to have that USB, please.”

Quicker than anyone can anticipate, David moves to stand behind me, and I feel his warm forearm around my neck, dragging me backwards, and the cold barrel of a gun against my temple.

Chapter thirty-two

“Nobody raise their voice, or I put a bullet in his head,” David said calmly.

Alec’s dark eyes are frantic. He’s looking at me, frozen in place, fear and anger pouring out of him in waves.

“Let him go,” he growls at David. “Let him fucking go, or I’ll kill you with my bare hands.”

David tsks. “You will do no such thing. In fact, you’ll take that gun out of your holster, place it on the desk, and go stand in that corner like the good little guard dog that you are.”

Alec’s body vibrates with rage. He’s seconds away from jumping out of his chair and launching himself at David.

“Uh-uh,” David says, his arm tightening around my throat and the gun digging deeper into my temple. “I’ll blow his brains out before you can touch me.”

Before Alec can move, I see Sharon jump out of her seat, too fast for me to understand what’s going on. She has Adri in a similar headlock, a gun against his head in less than two seconds.

“Do what he says, or the reporter dies, too.” She hasn’t spoken at all since we came into the room, and the sound of her melodic voice is jarring.

“Alec…” I manage, David’s hold making it hard to breathe. “Please.”

The muscle in Alec’s jaw clenches, his mouth thinning. If looks could kill, David would have been blasted to shreds by now.

Without a word, Alec takes out his gun out of the shoulder holster and places it on the desk. Then he walks over to the opposite wall, as far away from us as David instructed, and stands, back against the wall, body rigid and ready to strike at the first opportunity.

“David!” my father exclaims, finally finding his voice. The shock on his face isn’t something I’m used to seeing. My father, the infamous Dennis Van Dorf is always in control. He’s always the one with the ace up his sleeve.

Not today, though.

Today, he stands by and watches helplessly as control is yanked away from him, leaving him nothing more than a vulnerable man with a lot to lose.

“What on earth are you doing?” He gapes at his assistant, then turns to Sharon. “And you! Put that gun down!”

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