Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,8

is; if he does, he doesn’t care. All he wants is me, and that knowledge crystalizes and solidifies in my chest until it’s an integral part of me.

We dance until my legs can’t hold me anymore. Making our way to our VIP booth, we sit down, and I introduce Alec to my friends. Some of their hands linger longer than necessary as they shake Alec’s; some of their gazes travel up and down his body in blatant appreciation. He smiles politely, putting an arm around my shoulders. I snuggle close to him, content and exhausted.

The conversation drifts toward the latest bar opening, popular influencers’ posts, plans for the holidays, and new designer trends. It jumps from topic to topic, everyone talking over each other, snapping photos and laughing when they read the comments.

Alec and I are mostly quiet, content to just sit here, his hand in my hair and my head on his shoulder.

“I need to use the bathroom,” I say, making my way out of the booth.

“I’ll get us another round in the meantime,” he says, giving me a long, hard kiss before heading to the bar.

I stare after him like a lovestruck fool.

The bathroom in the VIP section is smaller than the one in the main area, but much more private. There are giant aquariums in the walls, Japanese-style partitions separating the cubicles, and plush chairs with small vanity tables between them. I eye the complimentary samples of skincare, makeup, and perfumes, making a mental note to grab a hand lotion after I wash my hands.

While I’m in the cubicle, I hear the door open and close with an expensive swish. Footsteps echo inside, but I don’t hear a door to a cubicle open or the water starting at the sinks.

Patrick is sitting in one of the plush chairs when I come out. His long legs are crossed at the ankles, his outfit of skinny jeans and a next season Givenchy t-shirt accentuating his lean body in a sexy, yet understated way.

He flicks a blond strand of hair from his face, his skin flushed from dancing and the heat in the club. “Hey, Zach.” The way he says it makes the hairs on my neck rise.

“Hi.” I smile at him, then go to wash my hands.

He comes to stand behind me, meeting my eyes in the mirror. “Didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” he says, raising an eyebrow. “Where have you been hiding him?”

I chuckle at the idea that Alec could be hidden away. “I haven’t been hiding him. We’ve just been busy with work and college. Exams are next week,” I say with an exaggerated sigh. I pull a soft towel from the basket on the granite counter and dry my hands.

Patrick hums thoughtfully. When I look up and meet his eyes in the mirror, there’s a glint in them that I don’t like.

“Does he mind sharing?” Patrick purrs as he steps closer to me, a finger trailing a line down my body, his eyes not leaving mine in the mirror.

I throw the towel in the designated container and turn to face him. “He does.”

Patrick’s lips spread in a predatory smile. “He can watch.” His hands cage me against the counter, making me squirm and instinctively pull back.

I put a hand on his chest. “Back off, Patrick. Not gonna happen.” I insert as much assertiveness in my voice as I can muster, wishing that Alec had continued teaching me boxing and self-defense past that first time at the gym.

“Come on, Zach. Don’t be like that.” He wraps a strand of my hair around his finger. “Before you got yourself a boyfriend,” he says the word in such a mocking voice that I instinctively want to punch him. “We used to have fun, didn’t we?”

“We did. Past tense.” My voice is louder now. I steel myself for a fight. “Now back the fuck off.” I push him, but he’s leaning over me and has better leverage than me.

His eyes become shards of steel as he lunges at me and crushes his mouth to mine. I shout in protest, but his arms come around me, squeezing me like a vice. I can feel his erection against my thigh, and my brain short-circuits with blinding panic.

I manage to twist away from him, my breathing labored as I try to calm the fuck down and push the asshole off of me.

I don’t get a chance. Patrick flies backward, slamming against a cubicle door. And then Alec is in front of me, Copyright 2016 - 2024