Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,62

beams on the ceiling, and hardwood floors covered in dust. I can’t see the whole room from the entrance; there’re curves and nooks and walls that obstruct the view. But what I can see—and really like—is the big fireplace, with two plush armchairs in front of it. The whole place needs a deep clean, that’s for sure, but it isn’t bad.

“I’ll go grab the grocery bags from the car and be right back,” Alec says.

I leave him to it, knowing he can handle the couple of bags we got from the closest grocery store a few miles back, and walk further inside. Rounding the corner, I stop in my tracks and gasp. The room opens into a much larger space, a small kitchen on one side and a big living area on the other. The cabin looks tiny from the outside, but that must be because the trees are obstructing most of the view.

That’s not the most surprising thing, however. What made me gasp are the huge windows covering the entire back wall of the cabin. They overlook the lake, and the forest around it, and I can’t take my eyes off the sun rays playing with the tiny ripples in the water.

There’s a wooden dock that stretches into the lake, a boat tied next to it just on the edge of the water, and what looks like a grill made of mismatched bricks on shore.

“Like the view?”

I jump at Alec’s voice, so absorbed in the sheer beauty of the place that I spaced out and didn’t hear him come in.

I turn to look at him. “It’s beautiful.”

The corner of Alec’s mouth quirks up, and he gives me a tired smile. “Wanna check it out?” He inclines his head toward the windows, and I nod eagerly.

Alec unlocks the French doors and slides them open, letting some much-needed fresh air inside the house. It’s getting chilly, so I wrap my arms around myself as we walk out onto the back porch.

The breeze carries the scent of the lake—sweet, with a bit of a tang. The water looks crystal clear as the sun rays dance on it, and I have the sudden urge to tear my clothes off and dive in it.

The chill in the air stops me, though. And so does Alec’s hand on my lower back as he guides me toward the dock.

“How long have you had this house?” I ask. I wrack my brain to remember him mentioning it while we were together but can’t.

“A while.” The firm set of his jaw nips any additional questions in the bud.

We walk down the dock, our shoes too loud in the serene quiet of the early evening. The sun’s nearly behind the trees now, and the rays that are left seem reluctant to leave the surface of the water.

“It needs a lot of work,” I say, gesturing toward the general area around us.

Alec sighs loudly. “I know.” He glances at me, a strange expression crossing his face. “Will you be comfortable here?” There’s a note of uncertainty in his tone, and I find it endearing.

I smile widely and watch his features relax. “I’m sure I’ll manage. Somehow.” I wink at him.

The smile he gives me is even more beautiful than the view from the lake.

Alec produces a vacuum cleaner which looks ancient but actually works, and a mop and some wet wipes. We vacuum the floors, the spiderwebs in the corners, and clean the furniture and the kitchen counters. It’s methodical work that makes me relax even though I’m bone tired. There’s no TV in the house, but there’s an impressive sound system, with speakers in every corner. Alec connects his phone to it, the music making time slow. I’m not sure how long we are at it, but by the time we’re done, the moon’s high in the night sky, its reflection bright on the dark waters of the lake.

I flop on the sofa, staring at the gorgeous view outside. “So, um…” I begin, unsure how to broach the subject. “I noticed there’s only one bedroom.” Alec frowns as he sits next to me, a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead. “And one bed.”

“I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Like hell you will!”

The couch is barely big enough to fit both of us as we sit, let alone Alec’s massive six-foot-five frame.

“Zach…” he says, the word dripping with exhaustion. “It’s not a problem. I’ll manage.” He glances at me, a shadow of a smile crossing his lips. “Somehow.”

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