Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,47

on his face that it takes a lot of willpower not to sneer at him.

“Let me make a call,” Hoz says, taking out his phone and stepping away.

Adri flaps his arms in frustration. “For god’s sake,” he hisses. “This is not Fort Knox! It’s a fucking party!”

Alec shrugs, a picture of calm and nonchalance. “These days, you don’t want anyone who’s not welcome to use this opportunity to sneak into your house.”

Adri folds his arms and glares at Alec. Before he can snipe at Alec again, Hoz returns with a friendly smile on his face.

“You can all go right in.” He claps Alec on the shoulder and hands him a card. “Don’t be a stranger.” He winks at him before opening the door for us.

I see Alec tucking the card into his pocket, the gesture seemingly small and irrelevant, but it annoys me. I vibrate with the need to shove my hand in there, take the card out, and tear it into a million pieces. Hoz is probably straighter than a lamppost and just wants to catch up with Alec, but there’s something about the vibe he gave off that sets me on edge.

We all huddled into a small elevator that opens straight into the loft. Two more security guards stand in front of the doors, assessing us before stepping apart so that we can pass.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Adri mumbles as we walk inside the loft.

The Weeknd’s ‘High for This’ is playing loudly through a sound system more suitable for a nightclub rather than a residential loft, even as huge as this one. It’s packed with people from one end to the other, all wearing designer clothes as they laugh, drink champagne from tall glasses, and dance.

I feel Alec stiffen next to me, his hand going to the small of my back. A shiver runs through me, and I barely resist closing my eyes and leaning back into him.

“Adrian! You made it!” a voice says from somewhere on our left, and we all turn.

A man I’m fairly certain is Stanley Washford approaches us with a wide smile and open arms like the generous host that he is. Never mind the gazillion bodyguards trying to keep the randoms out.

He hugs Adri and kisses both his cheeks before his gaze slides over me and falls on Alec. His dark eyes are glassy as if he’s already had a few drinks, and his cheeks pink as he gives Alec an appreciative onceover.

“Stan, you remember Zach?” Stan nods at me and smiles politely, but his eyes stray back to Alec. “And this is Zach's good friend, Alec.”

I’m not sure if Hoz has informed his boss what our actual relationship was. Stan’s face doesn’t betray anything as he shakes Alec’s hand, completely ignoring me.

“Welcome, Alec,” he purrs. “Come, let me introduce you to some people.” He tries to weave his arm around Alec’s and whisk him away, but Alec expertly dodges the attempt.

“Thank you, Stan, but I haven’t seen Adrian in such a long time. We have a lot to catch up on.” He softens the blow with a charming smile. Stan’s frown eases a fraction. “And besides, you know how Zach gets when he’s left to his own devices.” Stan’s eyes slide to me as if he’s seeing me for the first time, even though I’ve been standing there the whole time.

“Make sure you come find me when you’ve had enough of babysitting him,” Stan says. He has the decency to lower his voice as if whispering conspiratorially to Alec, but he knows very well it’ll carry to everyone around him. Including me.

“Of course.” Alec’s smile widens as he watches Stan walk away.

“Fucking prick,” I murmur under my breath.

Adri pats my arm. “Let’s go get you a drink.”

A drink helps settle the nervous flutter inside me. But only marginally. I haven’t been to one of these parties in ages, and standing here now, surrounded by people I don’t know, I’m reminded why. Everyone around us keeps sneaking glances at me, then turning to whisper in their companion’s ear.

As if sensing my discomfort, Alec casually drapes an arm around my shoulders. Just like a good friend would do.

I take another sip of champagne. Apparently, it’s all they’re serving tonight.

“Okay, enough moping,” Adri says as he takes the glass from my hand and hands it to Alec. “Let’s dance.” He gives me his most disarming smile; a smile he knows I’ll never say no to.

“Stay close,” Alec orders, and his commanding voice makes a shiver run Copyright 2016 - 2024