Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,33

people do pay attention. That’s why you and your family need protection. That’s why you need to lay low as much as possible right now.”

I shake my head, more in despair than denial. I look out the window, watching people go about their business, cars passing by, friends meeting for coffee, joggers weaving through pedestrians on the sidewalk. I’ve never felt more isolated than I do right now. More uncertain.

I feel Alec’s hand on my knee. “It’ll be okay,” he says softly.

I want to read more into his words. His touch. But I know deep down that it’s just the person he is. Protective. Supportive. Encouraging.

His hand on my knee has nothing to do with me and everything to do with his need to help those in trouble.

I don’t move. Don’t acknowledge his words. Eventually, he draws his hand away.

Soon, we turn into Park Avenue, and I see them. People waving handwritten signs, blaming my father for the attack on Dawn, for the murder of the security guards, for publishing articles that would only cause further division. Journalists are holding microphones and speaking urgently in front of cameras. Paparazzi are lurking around, snapping pictures with their giant cameras, constantly alert for a new juicy shot.

Amidst the crowd, there’s one thing that seems to be missing.

“Where are the cops?” I ask, turning to Alec.

He lifts a shoulder. “It’s a peaceful protest.”

“And that can change any moment. It’s like lighting a match at a gas station and hoping for the best.”

The corner of Alec’s mouth quirks. “All you need is a spark.” He winks at me, and the gesture relaxes me more than any placates would.

As we round the corner, I get a clearer view of the entrance. Alec’s men have managed to push everyone back and away from the building, and five men in dark, impeccably cut suits are standing in front of the doors. Postures stiff and alert, they’re watching everyone like eagles ready to swoop in.

We manage to sneak in without anyone paying much attention to the car. The underground parking is deserted, so we get out of the car and into the private elevator without any issues.

It’s quiet in the penthouse. Too quiet. Our shoes echo on the hardwood floors as we make our way further inside.

“Oh, good, you’re finally here,” my mother says behind us, startling me.

I turn to look at her as she approaches us. She looks as she always does—dressed in a designer dress that fits her slim frame perfectly, her long hair swept back into an elegant ponytail, her movement graceful like the ballerina she was.

“Your father is having a meeting in his office. When he’s done, we need to start getting ready for the charity gala.”

“We’re still doing that?”

“Of course we are! I’ve spent six months organizing this event, and we’ve already collected nearly a million dollars for children with cancer. I’m not having all this work go to waste.”

“But…” I wave my hand around helplessly, looking at Alec for support. His face is wiped of expression as he pointedly avoids my eyes.

“No buts. We’re going. Your sister is already getting ready. You should do the same.”

I glance longingly at my bagel, sitting sad and lonely in the container.

“Alec, I’d like to speak with you.”

Alec nods and follows my mother, leaving me alone in the empty, quiet room.

Chapter seventeen

Alec in a suit is hot as fuck. But Alec in a tux is something else.

I swallow thickly as he closes the door of his room and strides toward me. The fine cut of the tux must have been tailored to his body. There’s no other explanation why it fits perfectly around his broad shoulders and slim waist. Or why it doesn’t bunch up at his massive biceps.

“You clean up nicely,” he tells me, stopping a few feet away. His eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles.

“Yeah, well,” I mumble, looking down at my own designer tux. “I’ll take skinny jeans and an old t-shirt over this any day.”

Alec’s eyes on me don’t falter. When he stares at me like this, as if I’m the only thing that exists in the world, I’m helpless to resist it. A deep yearning pulls at my insides, making me take a step closer to him.

Before I can do anything stupid—like, pull him down by his goddamn tie and kiss the ever-loving fuck out of him—the door of Alec’s room opens, and a man steps out.

One giant hammer away from a Norse God is right.

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