Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,30

blue eyes full of shadows.

I lift an eyebrow. “Tell me what’s up.”

Since her accident, Evie and I became closer than we’ve ever been. We tell each other everything, or so I thought.

She pushes her bowl away and wipes her mouth, then takes a sip of orange juice. Finally, she says, “There’s something I need to tell you.”

I push my own empty bowl away, my heart skipping a beat in my chest.

“Okay,” I say.

Evie picks at the skin around her nails, biting her lip. She takes her time, and I don’t rush her.

“Alec called me.”

I recoil as if she’s hit me. “What do you mean, he called you? When?”

She meets my eyes, and I can see it takes some effort to hold my shocked gaze, but she does.

“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to overreact.”

I fold my arms and frown. “Why would I overreact?”

Evie spreads her hands on the counter, palms down, her eyes intent on mine. “Because you overreact about everything.”

“That’s not fair,” I whisper.

She sighs. “Just… Don’t freak out. It’s not a big deal.”

I glare at her.

She sighs again. “Okay, so Alec called me after the accident.”

“What!” I nearly fall out of my stool. “That was nearly three years ago!”

“I’m aware how long ago it was, Zach.”

The hardness in her voice makes me pause. I keep glaring at her but motion for her to continue.

“He called me after the accident to check on me. And it became a thing. He’d call from time to time, and we’d text, and basically just keep in touch.”

I’m struck speechless.

This whole time, she’s kept it a secret. Three fucking years she’s watched me fall apart and try to put myself back together because I thought Alec didn’t care to such an extent that he wouldn’t even call when my sister nearly died.

“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? You saw how much the fact that he didn’t call—not once—affected me, and you didn’t tell me?”

“He asked me not to.”

I laugh. The sound tastes bitter on my tongue. “Right. And making that promise was more important to you than me?” She looks away. I press on. “I thought he’d completely erased me out of his life. That I didn’t matter—had never mattered. You knew how much that tormented me. All I needed was to know that he still cared because I…” I hate how the words choke me. “I cared. And I needed him to care, too. I needed him to remember.”

My eyes sting, and the world around me gets blurry. My chest feels lighter as the tears roll down my cheeks.

Because he did call.

I do matter to him.

He does remember.

Evie slides off her stool and, using the counter to keep her balance, walks closer. I can see her eyes shimmering before she hugs me.

“I’m sorry,” she says, her head on my shoulder.

I tighten my arms around her slim frame. Not too much—she still feels too fragile. I’m afraid I’ll snap a rib or two if I squeeze her harder.

“I should have told you, but I didn’t know how it would affect you.” She pulls away, meeting my eyes. “You were doing so well. You were getting your life back on track—went back to college, finished your Masters, got accepted for a PhD. I was so proud of you, Zach.” She brushes a thumb under my eyes. “I didn’t want to bring back ghosts that could ruin all that for you.”

I nod, the anger inside me nothing but smoke anymore. “How did he sound? At the beginning? After I…” Kissed my best friend and rubbed it in his face.

Evie cups my cheek, compassion shining in her blue eyes. “He was trying to pretend he was fine. You know how he is.” We smile at each other. “But he asked about you. Every time.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him some of the stupid jokes you told me to pass the time while waiting to be discharged after a surgery.” He smiles gently at me, her hand sliding to my shoulder. “I told him that you were seeing someone for your anxiety. I told him when you started your Masters and then when you got accepted for your PhD.”

My voice is so small I barely hear it myself. “What did he say?”

“He said he was proud of you.” I swallow thickly, my eyes filling up again. “And then he’d tell me about his day or about a new book he was reading.” She pauses, studying me, as if wondering if she should Copyright 2016 - 2024