Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,26

the single word rolling off his tongue like the sweetest dessert. I’ve forgotten how much his voice affects me. How he can make me melt into a puddle of bliss just by saying my name.


“Alexander,” I reply, petty satisfaction tickling my belly when he frowns. He hates it when he’s addressed by his full name.

The awkward staring contest is broken when the door bursts open and Evie walks into the room as fast as she can with her crutches.

“Alec!” She hurries toward him with the biggest smile on her face.

My parents exchange a look, and I just stand there, confused and utterly lost.

He meets her halfway and envelops her in his massive arms. One of her crutches clatters to the floor, but neither of them seem to care.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he says with a genuine wide smile. The dimple on his cheek makes an appearance, just like it always does when he smiles like that.

Evie’s expression falters, and she impulsively touches the scar on her forehead.

I can’t take it anymore. My head is swimming with memories of Alec and me together, of my sister in the hospital, of the expression on his face when he left my studio for the last time. And the reality isn’t any less overwhelming. I need to clear my head before I say or do something I’ll regret.

“I need some fresh air,” I say, and, before anyone can do anything to stop me, hurry out the door.

Chapter fourteen

He finds me on the roof.

Of course he does.

We used to come here after we had dinner with my family. Back then, Evie would stare at her phone the whole time until Mom snapped at her and she’d throw a fit, push her plate away, and leave. Back then, Dad would mostly ignore everyone, itching to finish his dinner with minimal conversation before stalking to his study. Back then, I’d vibrate with something restless, something I couldn’t identify, something that made me want to crawl out of my own skin.

And among all the chaos, Alec would reach for my hand and bring me here, on the roof of an Upper East Side high-rise, and hold me as we watched the night sky. I’d kiss him, and crawl in his lap, and make out with him until I couldn’t think about anything but his touch.

And he’d let me.

He knew what I was doing, and yet he’d always let me use him to forget about the world around me.

“You cut your hair,” he says as he sits next to me on the cold concrete floor.

It’s such a normal thing to say that it catches me by surprise. I smile, then bite my lip in frustration.

“I did,” I say, my voice level.

“I like your curls.”

“I know.” I swallow, then add softly, “I remember.”

It feels necessary, somehow. I need him to know I remember every single moment we spent together.

“Zach…” Alec starts, turning partially to face me. I stay as I am. “We need to find a way to work through this. I need you to cooperate. Your safety is at stake here. This is not something to be taken lightly.”

I scoff. “Here’s an idea.” Now I turn to face him, refusing to shy away from the confrontation. “How about you give the job to someone else? All these elite bodyguards in your precious little firm, and there’s nobody else who could provide security for me? Seriously? Not a single other person?”

Alec’s nostrils flare, and his brown eyes darken, the gold specks in them disappearing.

“I don’t trust anyone else with your safety.”

I let out a laugh. It’s cold and mocking, an ugly sound I didn’t think I was capable of making anymore.

“Really, Alec? That’s what you’re going for?” I jump to my feet, unable to sit still. “Where were you the past three years, then? Where were you when I didn’t have anyone to look out for me? Where were you when Evie almost died?” I’m shouting, and I don’t care. My anger is erupting to the surface, and there isn’t anything standing in its way. “So now that you’re bored of carrying shopping bags for rich socialites and Instagram influencers, you think you can swoop back here, somehow charm my father into giving you the biggest contract your firm has ever seen, and weasel your way into my life again? Clearly, the heat in LA has melted your brain if you think for one fucking second I’d go along with this bullshit!”

I’m panting, looming over Alec who’s still sitting, unmoving, his eyes Copyright 2016 - 2024