Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,2

I mean. Or self-defense. I’ve been meaning to find someone to teach me how to protect myself for ages but never got ‘round to it.” My voice rises, my words stumbling over each other. What is it about this man that makes me so nervous? I’ve never had a problem picking up guys.

I force my mouth shut before I embarrass myself even more. He studies me, his eyes intense on mine as if he’s looking for the answer to the question I asked.

“I don’t,” he finally says. My stomach drops, and I look away to hide my disappointment. “But I can make an exception.”

A smile is playing on his lips as he says that, his gaze sliding back down to my—still shirtless—body. The intention in the long, appreciative look is unmistakable. I find comfort in the knowledge that we’re on the same page.

“Okay,” I say, closing the locker and moving toward him. “Can I have your number so that we can schedule something?” I take out my phone, ready to save a new contact.

He eases the phone out of my hand, his fingers brushing mine. I get a whiff of Tom Ford Noir and the sweet smell of coconut and barely resist the urge to step into his personal space and inhale more of his scent. But while he’s distracted, typing his number in my phone, I can’t resist another appreciative look at his body. Up close, I can see his skin is not as smooth as it looks from afar. There are scars under his tattoos, some of them just a patch of raised skin, while others are bigger and more noticeable. There’s one on his shoulder that’s particularly gruesome, the surrounding skin mangled and misshapen. Numbers that look like a date are inked above the scar.

“There,” he says, his voice startling me. He hands me back my phone, apprehension in his eyes.

“Sorry. I was just –” I gesture at the scar, knowing he caught me staring.

“It’s fine,” he says.

I take my phone back and look at the screen. “Alec.” I lift my eyes back to him. “I’m Zach.” I offer him my hand.

He shakes it. His grip is firm, his palm warm. The simple touch makes goosebumps erupt on my skin, and I’m powerless to stop it.

“Nice to meet you, Zach.”

Chapter two

“Keep your hands up,” Alec barks at me, making my cock stir. I’m embarrassed to admit how much I like it when he’s bossy. “Left jab,” he commands, and I strike the punching bag with my left hand. “Right jab. Uppercut. Again. Hands up to protect your face, Zach.”

I do everything he tells me without hesitation. The workout he’s putting me through is more vigorous than I expected. Sweat is dripping from every part of my body, and I’m exhausted.

“Kick. Higher. Left leg. Again.”

Mercifully, he lets me have a break and get some water. He corrects some of my moves, explaining how my kicks can be more effective and how to punch faster and more accurately.

“If in doubt, always go for the groin,” he says seriously.

I laugh. It seems to startle him—he looks at me, his expression firm, but I see the exact moment he relaxes. His eyes twinkle, and he bites his lip against a smile.

“It’s effective,” he says with a shrug.

“Oh, I’m sure it is.”

His smile is wide when he folds his arms over his chest. “Had enough for today?”

I huff. “I’ve had enough for this month.” I try to unfasten the boxing gloves with my teeth. Alec reaches for my hand and peels back the Velcro.

“You’re out of shape,” he comments.

“You sound like Adri.”

He unfastens the other glove, and I pull my hand out of it. “We can cover some basic self-defense moves next time if you want.”

My heart jumps at the idea of a next time, while my body protests the possibility of another grueling workout.

“I’d love that.”

We make our way into the changing rooms. I can’t wait to get out of these sweaty clothes. After a quick shower, I hastily get dressed just in time before he comes out of the cubicle. He’s got a towel wrapped around his waist, hair still dripping wet. I try not to ogle him, but I completely fail. When my eyes finally make their way back to his face, he’s watching me with a smirk.

“So, um… We never talked about your fee.” He looks at me blankly. “For the lessons?” I add.

He scoffs. “I’m not charging you for working out together, Zach.”

“But –”

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