Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,18


“Which is absolutely not a good quality to have.”

I shush him and start reading the article. He pretends not to be interested, but I can see him glancing at it over my shoulder.

Chapter eight

“… six… five…” I look at Alec over my shoulder. He’s hugging me from behind, his massive arms dwarfing my body. “… four… three…” He meets my eyes, and they’re shimmering with happiness. “… two… one… Happy New Year!”

The cheers erupt around us, but we’re deaf to them. All I can see, all I can hear, is Alec, right behind me, arms tight around me as he bends down and kisses me.

“Happy New Year,” he murmurs between kisses.

We stay at the party a bit longer, drinking champagne and dancing. I can’t wait to get him home and show him how much I’ve missed him.

After spending Christmas with his family, Alec had to go to LA and meet with a potential investor. Salus Security has grown a lot in the past few weeks since Alec’s high-profile stunt saving Gordon Kade’s life. People on social media sang his praises, newspapers wrote about him, and even my father’s Dawn magazine did a profile on him.

The company needs to expand, and fast, if it’s to keep with the momentum. Alec knows that, but he also knows he can’t do it on his own.

I look into his dark eyes, and I can’t help the overwhelming feeling of pride and affection for this man. As if reading my thoughts, Alec grins at me and claims my mouth in a deeper, longer kiss.

We’re jostled by the overexcited crowd, people all around us hugging each other and clinking tall glasses. Fireworks erupt outside, and everyone heads to the balconies. Alec and I stay where we are, lost in each other.

“I’ll go get us a refill,” he says, taking the empty glass from my hand. “And then we can go?” The hopeful note in his voice makes me smile.

“Sure,” I say, sneaking an arm around him and patting his ass.

He shakes his head at me, but I can see the lustful look he gives me before sauntering away.

I find a quiet spot and settle in a plush armchair. I’m a little tipsy, my cheeks are warm, and my body is buzzing with anticipation for having Alec all to myself later. While I wait, I take out my phone and check my notifications.

My heart freezes in my chest when I see my sister’s name is trending on Twitter. With trembling fingers, I click on the hashtag.

The first thing that comes up is an article in a popular gossip website. Reading the title fills me with rage, and I clutch my phone, trying to stop my hands from shaking.

Evelyn Van Dorf—the highest-paid escort in Manhattan

There are thousands of comments and subtweets, most of them hateful.

Duh, her parents have been pimping her out since she was sixteen and gagged anyone who knew about it. Now that she’s nineteen, they’re not even trying to hide it.

How do you think Dennis Van Dorf gets all his lucrative advertising contracts, hmmmm?

I fucked her for free. It wasn’t anything special.

This is news to exactly no one. All her friends on the Upper East Side knew this.

LOL the slut gene runs in the family.

“Zach.” I hear Alec’s voice as he crouches in front of me. “What’s wrong?” He puts the two glasses he’s holding on the floor, hands coming to rest on my thighs.

I try to speak, but I feel lightheaded. The words just won’t come. I try to take a breath, but I can’t. I can’t. I can’t fucking breathe…

“Zach!” Alec’s commanding tone snaps me out of my panic. “Breathe. Focus on my voice. Breathe, Zach. I know it feels like you can’t, but you can.”

I take a breath, gasping like a fish out of water.

My body starts shivering. It feels like electricity is running through my veins, every move I make painful and uncoordinated.

“It’s Evie,” I say, handing him the phone.

He takes it and scrolls down, a frown forming between his brows.

“When are you going to stop reading that shit?” His voice is angry now, and I desperately want to stop him being upset with me.

I reach up and place my hand on his cheek. He pulls away, my hand dropping listlessly.

I feel sick.

Nausea overcomes me so suddenly and so strongly that I have to run to the bathroom. I barely make it in time to kneel in front of the toilet before I puke, heaving over and over, until I have Copyright 2016 - 2024