Stoking the Fire (Salus Security #1) - Teodora Kostova Page 0,12

don’t want to talk about it anymore. But deep down, I know it’s not as easy as Adri thinks it is. At least, not for me.

We finish our meal while chatting about Adri's work. He’s careful not to give away any details about his side gig, and I’m doing my best to ask questions that will make him slip. Somehow, he always manages to turn the conversation around, and without even realizing, I’m telling him about Alec, and how happy he makes me, and his cute pets that are not actually his, and the mystery roommate I’ve never met.

The whole time I’m talking, my phone is insistently vibrating in my bag. I ignore it as much as I can, but I’m also drawn to the noise like a moth to a flame. When Adri stands to go use the bathroom, I rush to take it out and check what’s going on.

My hearts sinks when I read my texts and see the notifications. With trembling hands, I open Instagram and go straight to Patrick’s post. The first picture is a repost of the one I posted of me and Alec in bed. But when I slide left to see the rest of the pictures he’s uploaded, my stomach drops. There are photos of me with other people, kissing, hugging, dancing. They’re old, taken long before I met Alec, but the way Patrick’s worded the caption, it seems like they’re all taken this week.

I’d congratulate Zach and his new boyfriend, but I’m a bit confused which boyfriend we’re talking about.

My ears start ringing, and I feel lightheaded. What will Alec think of this?

Against my better judgment, I scroll through the comments.

LOL poor Alec, I hope he’s the sharing type.


We always knew he was a whore. This surprises no one.

I hope Alec dumps his cheating ass.

Who the fuck cares? Zach Van Dorf is completely irrelevant.


I lift my head to see Adri leaning over me, his eyes frantic.

“What the fuck happened? You look like a ghost!” He grabs my glass and hands it to me, gesturing for me to take a sip. I do, the cold liquid burning down my throat. It’s just water, but it feels like gasoline.

When I don’t speak—I can’t speak—he pulls the phone from my hands. His eyebrows knit as he reads the post, his knuckles going white as he clutches my phone.

“What a prick,” he mumbles. His eyes are alight with fury when they land on me. “All right, let’s go. You need some fresh air.”

He ushers me out of the restaurant. I feel like I’m walking on a cloud, my feet sinking in with every step I take.

“Zach, listen to me,” Adri says, clutching my arms and turning me to face him. “This is nothing. Okay? Nothing. Some dickhead being a needy little bitch and looking for attention.” He pauses, his gaze fixed on me so intently that it anchors me to the moment. Slowly, I manage to push the fog away and focus. “Don’t comment. Don’t engage in any way. Next time you see him, ignore him completely. People like him thrive on any sort of attention, even negative. The only way to hurt them is to ignore them.”

I know he’s right. I’m just not sure if I can do that.

For a moment I deliberate telling him what happened in the bathroom, but knowing Adri, he’ll blow everything out of proportion and demand I hold Patrick accountable, and I just don’t have the energy for that right now.

I manage to find my voice. “I’m only concerned about what Alec will think.”

Adri lets his hands slide down my arms, satisfied I’m back to my normal self. “Does he think he’s the only man you’ve been with?”

“No. Of course not.”

Adri shrugs. “Then what’s the problem? Someone posted pictures of you with other people from before you met Alec. Big deal.”

“The way he did it, it seems like they’re recent photos, Adri.”

“But they’re not. Who cares what that asshole says? Just talk to Alec when you see him later. Besides, he may not have seen the post. Not everyone’s on social media all the time.”

I ignore the dig. Adri and I have argued multiple times over my ‘addiction to social media’ as he calls it. I don’t want to get into it again, so I let it slide.

“Thanks,” I say instead. “I’ll talk to Alec later when I see him.”

“Good.” He gives me a hug, patting my back soothingly before pulling away. “Listen, I gotta run. Call me later?”

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