Step Into My Web - Cynthia Eden Page 0,61

by you that I was going to leave at dawn?”

She might have experienced a concern or two. “I’m not playing with you.”

He moved toward her, getting very, very close in her space as he towered over her. “I get the feeling,” he seemed to breathe the words against her, “that you play with everyone you meet. Maybe it’s second nature to you. Maybe your mind just runs so fast that you think no one can keep up with you—”

“That’s not what I—”

“But it won’t work like that with me. I don’t go anywhere without knowing the full truth. There is no walking blindly into situations. There is no you holding back on me because you want my reactions to be real.”

She swallowed. “You’re still angry.”

That muscle twitched along his jaw again. “Angry as fuck. Eli had a knife, Chloe. What if he’d used it on you?”

“That wasn’t going to happen.”

“You don’t know that. You can’t predict everything. You’re walking a very dangerous tightrope. One day, that rope is going to shake or break completely. You’re going to fall. What the hell will you do if no one is there to catch you?”

A tremble slid along her body. This wasn’t going at all the way she’d—

He spun away. Stalked back inside.

Slammed the door.

She didn’t move, not at first. Chloe stared at the door. He hadn’t told her if he would still be there in the morning. His fury had all but vibrated in the air around her. Her arms rose and curled around her stomach. She knew she should go back to the main house.


Anger began to churn inside of her, too. It was hot. Tight. Unfamiliar. Her emotions were normally in such careful check. She didn’t have to worry about things like this but…

Her left hand shot out to bang against the door.

It flew open immediately, as if he’d just been standing there and waiting for her. “Seriously?” Joel snarled.

“Seriously,” she snapped right back. “You asked me a question. I should get to answer.”

His brows lowered.


“Excuse me?”

“My answer is…you are supposed to be there to catch me. You asked me what I’d do if no one was there. You were hired to be my partner. That means you will be there.”

He leaned one shoulder against the doorframe.

“It means I can count on you to help me, just as I would help you, and if you’re already backing out on basically day one—”

“I think it might be day two, or maybe even day three, if you count our bank robbery experience as day one—”

“If you’re backing out already, then do me the courtesy of telling me to my face. I think I deserve that.” Her chest was heaving. Her cheeks felt quite flushed.

“Happy now? Glad you got all of that off your chest?”

“No. I am not happy.” Did she look happy? Sound happy? “You’re angry. You’re—”

“Aroused as hell.”

She stopped. Blinked. Tilted her head. Studied him again.

“Do you know you do that?” Joel asked, voice almost curious.

“Do what?”

“When you’re trying to figure someone or something out, you stop, stare, and it’s almost like I hear a little click, click going on in your head as you try to evaluate the situation.”

Click, click. Her body straightened. “Good night, Joel.” She immediately spun and darted away from him. Her steps were fast as she surged toward escape.


She went faster. She edged around the side of the pool.

“Chloe, stop!”

She wasn’t ready to stop. He’d been the one to tell her to go away and now—

He grabbed her arm. Whirled her to face him. “What the hell is wrong?”

“I’m not a robot!” The words emerged far too much like a scream.

“I never said you were! Hold on! I never said—”

“Click, click,” Chloe reminded him. “I’m sorry that my mind doesn’t work the way you think it should.” Look, another apology! Maybe she was on some kind of terrible roll. “I’m sorry that I’m not human enough for you.” Third apology! Going for a record.

“You’re human. Look, I didn’t mean—”

She yanked against his hold. He held tight, and her reflexes kicked in. The training she’d had over and over again while she was growing up.

Don’t be taken. Never be helpless. Don’t let him hurt you.

Her leg swept out as she unbalanced Joel, then she turned with her body and hurtled him toward—

The gleaming water of the pool.

Except Joel didn’t go down alone. He had never let go of her wrist and when he toppled into the pool, he was still chained to her. He pulled her with Copyright 2016 - 2024