Step Into My Web - Cynthia Eden Page 0,10

Sneakers. But he still looked good. Sexy, in that rough way of his.

She’d noticed other women eyeing him when they came inside the club. Back off, ladies. I’m using him right now. He was her ticket that night. The witness she wanted to interview—Coreen Miller—apparently had a slight issue with women. Perhaps not so slight. Time will tell. Time would tell her many things. In the police report, Cedric had noted that Coreen had only cooperated once he came into the conference room. Coreen had refused to talk to the female detective stationed with her.

Chloe wasn’t sure why Coreen only wanted to talk to men, but Joel Landry was about to prove very useful. For a variety of reasons.

“That’s our witness?” His gaze was on the stage. “Limber.”

Coreen’s red hair raked across the floor as she twisted on the pole.

“Very,” Chloe agreed.

Dollar bills were thrown onto the stage. The music hit a big crescendo, and then Coreen was sliding off the pole. Waving. Tucking the money into itty-bitty straps on the side of her hips. Wolf whistles followed her off the stage.

“Our turn,” Chloe said as she sprang to her feet. A bouncer was blocking the way backstage. A big, burly guy, but Chloe figured she could handle him.

“Wait.” Joel’s slightly callused fingers curled around her wrist. “You ever been to a strip club before?”

What kind of question was that? “Absolutely.”

He frowned, as if her answer had surprised him.

“I was even on the stage once.” She wouldn’t go into details on that experience. He could take her response however he wanted.

His finger slid along her inner wrist in what might have been a caress.

A shiver slid over her. The shiver caught her off guard. What was…what was that about? It wasn’t cold in the club. “Let go.”

Immediately, he did. He also rose. Chloe stood at five-foot-eight, but with her heels, she was closer to his height. Not eye level or anything. But closer. Close enough that if she’d wanted to, she could have slid her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him toward her. Kissed him.

If she’d wanted to.

She didn’t, of course. This was a business outing. Not a date.

“I’m betting I’ve been to more strip clubs than you have,” Joel retorted.

Ah, he shouldn’t make that bet. He shouldn’t ever bet with her. He’d lose.

Joel added, “Let me handle the bouncer, all right? You want to talk to the stripper, then I’ve got this.”


She weaved through the crowd, with Joel right at her back. The bouncer caught sight of her, and one heavy brow rose.

Even though Joel had said he could handle the guy, Chloe opened her mouth to speak—

“We want a private dance with the lady who just left the stage,” Joel’s voice was smooth as rough silk. He shoved some money toward the bouncer. “Very private.”

The money vanished. “You want Cinnamon?”

Uh, Cinnamon? They wanted Coreen…but, yes, Chloe could see where Cinnamon might be a much more appealing stage name in an establishment such as this one.

“You want her? You got her.” The bouncer opened the black door that he’d been blocking. “Second entrance. She should already be in the room, waiting.” A smirk. “Folks always want a private dance with Cinnamon after her big show.”

That was good to know. It was nice that Cinnamon was popular. Probably led to a very good income. Chloe didn’t move past the bouncer, not yet. She had a question. “If Cinnamon has a problem during one of her private dances, would she call out for you?”

His bloodshot eyes narrowed on her. “There gonna be a problem?”

Joel’s fingers closed around her shoulder. “No. There won’t be a problem.”

The bouncer grunted. He crossed his arms over his chest, and the impressive tattoos that covered his skin seemed to dance. Chloe’s eyes darted over the intricate tattoos and down to his fingers.

She could see the bruises on his knuckles.

“You need to move,” Joel urged in her ear. “Private dances are only for a limited time, and something tells me the clock is already ticking on us.”

She moved. Headed down the hallway. Swept her gaze to the left and right. Paused to study a dark stain on the wall.

“What in the hell are you doing?” Joel steered her forward. “This isn’t freaking stare-at-the-wall night. We need to move.” He used his left hand to rap on the door to Cinnamon’s room.

A sultry voice called out, “Come in!”

They went in.

Cinnamon stood on the other side of the small room, all of her cash now Copyright 2016 - 2024