Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,92

up in ways I’d never imagined before. “So run back to your father.”

I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to leave him out here all alone. Maybe he was right. Maybe there was something between us. “I’m not going back to him.” My mind played around all the possible scenarios, finding ways to justify what I wanted. “I need you to take me and Dean to the Earth plane. Consider this a partnership, and good partners don’t let each other go insane from hunger.”

“I told you that blood won’t be all I want from you.”

“And I told you, I’ll feed you for as long as you need it.” I didn’t understand the whole addiction part, but I was sure there was some way to help the male detox when he could. “As for the rest of it, I think I wouldn’t mind that either. You’re very attractive, and it’s been a long time for me.”

He was suddenly in my space, until all I could see and hear and sense was him. “Are you offering to fuck me, bella?”

“I’m offering to help you out.” I wasn’t about to back down now because honestly, I could feel the heat coming off him. Oh, I was certain if I touched him again, I would feel that cool serenity that seemed to pulse off his skin, but his eyes were telling me something different. His eyes were savage, and I wanted to know exactly how it would feel to have those big fangs sink into my skin. “And I’m offering because I’ll admit I’m curious. Here’s the deal. Until you find a way back to the Earth plane, I will serve as your companion. We renegotiate if I come to the Earth plane with you. Our relationship will be physical, but I don’t intend to get emotional with you. You need to understand what I’m willing to give you.”

“And you need to understand what I’m going to take,” Marcus declared, his voice deep. His big hands came out to cup my shoulders.

“And what’s that?” I asked, completely breathless because he was so close now. I had to tip my head back to see those midnight eyes and the fangs I kind of longed for.

“Everything, bella.” One hand moved to my hair, sliding up and twisting lightly until he drew my head to the side and fully exposed my neck.

I expected him to strike, automatically tensed, but then I felt him run his nose along the curve of my neck as though he was breathing me in. He could say he would take everything, but he could only take what I gave him. And I intended to withhold the most important things. My love. My trust. I wasn’t about to give them to a man I’d just met, a man who could prove dangerous to me.

He could have the comfort of my body because I wanted the comfort of his. He could have the life my blood could give him because he’d already proven he would sacrifice for me.

I could do this. I could steal some pleasure from him.

“You can try, bella.” He chuckled even as his free arm tightened around my waist and he dragged me close, bringing our bodies together. “You can try to hold yourself apart from me. This, I think, will be an interesting game. I agree to your offer. Let us begin.”

I felt something pulse across my skin, something infinitely warm and welcoming. My body went soft and I suddenly wanted his bite more than I wanted my next breath. The world seemed to go a little fuzzy, but in a good way, like it was a better place now that he was here with me.

I relaxed, ready to take everything that vampire had to give me.

* * * *


I let Daniel lead me through the hallways of the Council building toward his office. We were set to meet Myrddin but when we turned the corner that would lead us to the appointed place, I noticed Myrddin was standing in front of the big conference room and he wasn’t alone. Nimue was there and another familiar face. Olivia Carey was with them.

She’d helped Kelsey many times, and Sarah seemed impressed with the young witch. But according to my son she was keeping secrets. Liv wore the same robes I’d seen Myrddin and Nim wearing earlier, and she had a box in her hands.

Myrddin turned and I could see I’d lucked out. He gave Daniel and me a big Copyright 2016 - 2024