Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,77

hated the things he’d been forced to do to survive, to keep my mother safe. Now that I thought about it, my father had dealt with politics for a long time. “I’m surprised my father would appoint another one.”

Kelsey’s expression went serious. “It’s not the same. I’m going to admit, I wasn’t happy about it in the beginning, but King Daniel was right. I am needed, and I think part of my job just became protecting that kid because if he is who I think he is, the Earth plane needs him. You said something about a prophecy.”

I hesitated.

“Tell her,” Dean murmured with a low groan. “Damn vampire. He did a number on me. Is this really what it feels like when I take a trip through a person’s intentions?”

Thank the goddess. If he was complaining, he was alive. “Are you okay?”

Kelsey’s brown eyes had widened. “He’s more than okay. He’s freaking strong as hell. If Marcus said he should be out for an hour or so, he should be out for an hour. Maybe more. Marcus can downplay a situation.”

Dean put a hand to his head but made no move to sit up. “I had to fight my way out. I didn’t actually go to sleep. At least my brain didn’t. My body pretty much shut down, but I could hear everything you were saying. Don’t ever try to get between me and a sword again, but I do thank you in this case.”

Kelsey whistled. “Dayum. I got a couple of witches you need to meet on the Earth plane. They’re going to teach you so much because while you are strong, yes, what you did hurt like hell, and also you should probably veil your thoughts more when you’re playing around.”

Dean frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means if you were looking for our intentions, we kind of got a feel for yours, too,” Kelsey said. “Hence Marcus’s whammy on your old brain pan.”

Dean forced himself up, and he’d gone paler than usual. “My intentions were to find out if you were lying. But I take your meaning. I need to veil my thoughts better. You’re an odd female. I’ve only met one other werewolf. You’re different from her. Your wolf wasn’t always so integrated. Also, your wolf is scary. She growls inside your head. When you change is she coming after me? Because I would like to apologize to her profusely and maybe offer her some raw meat. I don’t have any but I’ll find some.”

The smile was back on Kelsey’s face. “I’m not that bad. And she-wolfy will be perfectly satisfied with something cooked. I don’t change my form. Except my hand, which is actually a demon hand. That’s your dad’s fault, too, Summer. So this prophecy, let’s talk about that.”

I looked at Dean to make sure. It wasn’t like we went around talking about the possibility of Dean killing an evil magician with random strangers. I’d only mentioned it to try to get Kelsey to convince Marcus to let Dean live.

“She’s solid,” Dean assured me. “None of them tried to get here. It was all a mistake, though I felt like Kelsey had purpose.”

“I was looking for Marcus and Dev,” Kelsey offered. “I was sent after them.”

Dean nodded. “Yes, that explains it. I can’t exactly read minds. It’s more like an overview of intentions. I can tell if someone wants to do harm. None of them wishes you ill. Kelsey is curious about you. The Green Man is genuinely worried about your welfare. And the vampire, well, you should know that vampire has plans for you, and they are not to take you to tea. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he does want you.”

I glanced back where Marcus was talking to Dev. He was already overly possessive, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wasn’t interested in me. He was interested in my glow. It wasn’t the first time some vamp had found out I was single and started in on the “you’re mine” spiel. I wouldn’t take it too seriously.

Of course he was the first vamp I’d thought about playing around with. He was the first vamp I’d met with ridiculously dark hair that looked like it would be soft when I ran my hands through it, the only one with eyes that seemed to pierce through me.

Like I said, it had been a long time.

I turned back to Kelsey because if I could find an ally as strong Copyright 2016 - 2024