Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,72

happy I did?”

I groaned. It did make perfect sense that Myrddin wouldn’t have cameras in here. He wouldn’t want anyone to see what he was doing. I glanced around and I couldn’t see anything in the normal places where a camera would be, but I still wasn’t sending him out in the open. “I’ll hold the cloak against the table just in case. And I’ll handle Gladys. I don’t know how it reacts to humans, but I do know she doesn’t particularly like men handling her.”

“That’s not fair,” Lee groused. “Gladys is cool. She was Dad’s for a long time.”

“Well, she should have been mine,” I shot back. “Be careful with the book. Don’t touch it any more than you have to.”

I didn’t want to think about all the blood that had been spilled for Myrddin’s grimoire. I definitely didn’t want my son touching it. I pressed the sides of the cloak against the table, drawing them together when Lee told me to. He had the bag of holding in one hand and I watched as he moved his other. It looked like he was miming closing a book and then shoving it into the bag.

He grinned up at me. “It’s in there.”

I glanced inside and sure enough, there was a damn book in there. I couldn’t see it in the real world, but this pocket world had been primed with my blood. It was a tiny kingdom that was mine and my father’s, and apparently wards didn’t work here. If we had to, Sarah and I could climb in that sucker and read that book while Albert served us tea. Or vodka.

I would outsmart that fucker if it was the last thing I did. I scooped up Gladys and placed her in there, too. She hummed briefly in my hand and I could have sworn I felt satisfaction come off that sword. She hadn’t liked being handled by the wizard.

There was another bang and I realized we really needed to get the hell out of here. “Let’s go.”

When we got back to the living room I winced because Dannan and the cat had battled mightily, and it looked like the pixie was victorious.

The cat had a flowerpot stuck to its head. It looked like Dannan had tricked kitty in and then flown out the tiny hole for draining. The cat was howling its displeasure as it swerved around the somewhat destroyed space.

“Cool,” Lee said.

“Dannan, stop gloating. Let’s go,” I commanded.

The pixie swept inside the cloak, taking his place on Lee’s shoulder.

We made our way out of the apartment and I could breathe again.

Chapter Thirteen


My head ached from whatever the hell that little shit had done to me, but I couldn’t let him gut himself. Well, I couldn’t let Marcus convince him to gut himself. It was kind of my former honey’s go-to move when he got annoyed with someone. Luckily, for the most part, Marcus is a pretty even-tempered guy. But do not touch his shit. And by shit I mean whatever female he was involved with. I’d been that female for a while and the man could be super protective. He still was.

But I wondered if this wasn’t more about Summer than the fact that the Harry Potter wannabe had managed to give me a headache. Either way, the kid was about to take one to the gut, and that meant I had to fix the situation.

“Dean, don’t.” Summer was moving toward the young man with a shock of blond hair that could almost be considered white. His body hadn’t completely filled out yet, but his shoulders were broad and he was tall, showing every evidence that he was going to be superhot one day.

I glanced down and Marcus had that look on his face. It was the predatory look of perfect focus he got when he was inside someone’s brain doing nasty things. Marcus wasn’t the strongest vampire in the physical sense, but no one matched him mentally.

Dean had the sword I’d taken from the soldiers in his hand and was about to push it through his gut when I gripped his wrist.

“Marcus, come on, man,” I said. “You know you’ll have to turn right around and heal him if you do this.”

I vowed to apologize to Trent when I saw him next because I remembered teasing him about not being able to hold back a weak-assed shifter who’d been trying to do the same thing to himself a few years before in Ether. This guy had Copyright 2016 - 2024