Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,212

takes strength in that.”

My heart ached for him because he’d believed he loved her. “Oh, Dean, I’m sorry, but I think you’re right. Are you okay? Unrequited love sucks ass.”

What can I say? I’m not a poet. I was sure Dev or the queen would have lots of lofty things to say, but I simply gave him the truth.

He turned my way. “Do you want to know what’s funny? I think I had a vision of my mate last night. With all that magic flying around maybe it was nothing more than a crazy dream, but I swear I saw her. I only know I’ve never felt like that about a woman before. Not even Summer. She was the whole world to me. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. She looked like an angel from the Heaven plane.”

I thought he’d probably simply been dreaming, and though he’d done a fab job of keeping those pesky lust waves out of our tent, I’d had a pretty sexy dream about my guys, too. But then I remembered the vision I’d seen of him and the blonde woman at his side. “She sounds lovely.”

“Yeah,” he said with a hint of a smile, like he was remembering something wonderful. “She was amazing. She was a witch, too. Our powers complemented each other. I was stronger with her. If only that other dude hadn’t been there.”

I pointed at him, oddly relieved. “You were definitely under the influence. You’re having threesome dreams.”

One shoulder shrugged. “He was attractive, and I’ll admit to a certain fluidity when it comes to my personal sexuality. But he didn’t like me. He reminded me of the Green Man but he had a lot of scars, like he’d been through many battles. Maybe that’s why he was so crabby. Dude needs to relax and stuff.”

I thought Dean had a vivid imagination, but hey, anything could happen. Maybe there was some witch on the Earth plane waiting for this kid to sweep her off her feet. And maybe she had a crabby guy who’d seen too much battle waiting for Dean to shake things up. Who was I to say since Gray and I had been in a holding pattern until my superhot alpha wolf had truly brought us together.

“Kelsey, I wanted to tell you how lovely it was to meet you.” Kaja approached with her husband tagging along. She reached out a hand and I took it. “We’re going to head to the gate now. The witches aren’t looking for us, so we doubt they’ll even pay attention to a handsome vampire and his wolf out for a walk.”

I’d talked to Kaja a bit the night before and she’d told me of the great wolf pack on the icy plane she’d been born on. A whole world of wolves, it seemed, hadn’t been that great. Lots of assholes where she came from. But I admired the hell out of her. “I’ll see you in Tír na nÓg. Maybe we can go for a run when the moon is full.”

“And you can tell me more about my supervillain other self.” Dante had been fascinated by the idea of his Earth plane mirror. I’d explained that his human self was a massive asshole.

“You should understand that if I ever meet the Earth plane Dante again, I plan to show him my good right arm, if you know what I mean,” I replied. But I shook his hand because this Dante seemed pretty cool. “You really think Summer will be safe in Tír na nÓg?”

“I think it’s the safest place for her to be,” Dante replied, stepping back. “And we’ll be waiting. I promise she has nothing to fear from my cousins. None of you do. My cousin is a Green Man himself. He’ll be thrilled to meet one from the old world. We’ll fix this situation. We have to. Keep the tablet I gave you so we can communicate. I’ll send you the number to my new one when we get to the Vampire plane.”

“How long will it take you to get to Tír na nÓg?” I was super confused about all the gates and doors and pathways.

“We can be there before you,” Kaja assured me. “We’ll inform the palace you’re coming and send some troops to meet you at the gate. You have to cross from this plane to another neutral plane, and then you’ll be at the gate to Tír na nÓg. Taggart knows the way. He fought in the war to free Tír Copyright 2016 - 2024