Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,117

How much time did we lose?”

Dev turned my way and his expression softened. “Are you worried about that? Not even a day has passed since I got here. It’s the same for Marcus. I was only a few moments behind him, though I know he had to have fallen through hours before me. I believe time is slower here.”

“It’s night on the Earth plane, but you’ve only been missing for a day. So the differential isn’t bad.” My children wouldn’t lose too much time. It made me breathe more easily. We could get Summer and then figure out how to get out of here, and maybe the kids wouldn’t worry too much. I had to assume Gray was with them, and Trent as well. Gray knew what had happened. Jacob did as well. Even if Myrddin didn’t help us, I had to believe Gray would protect our children. After all, his own son was with them.

And he’d asked about talking to Albert. He’d known.

I needed to believe that things would work out. They always had. If I had to lose this minor battle to Myrddin in order to win the war, then that was what I would do.

“What do you mean you can’t fly?” Dev was asking.

I had missed the exchange but turned to where my husbands were facing off.

“Something’s wrong with me,” Daniel said. “I’ve felt…odd since I came through the doorway. I still ache from where I hit the ground.”

“You should have healed almost instantly,” Dev replied.

“I can’t get my fangs to come out.” Daniel looked to me. “And I’m not hungry. Not for blood. My stomach…I haven’t felt my stomach rumble in years. I forgot how it feels.”

“He’s having some problems with the transference.” It was the only thing that made sense. “I think the doorway did something to me and his body is taking over.”

“Why would a human body take over for someone else’s?” Dean asked. “Should I go deep and see if he’s got the same weird thing the Fae dude has on him?”

“He isn’t human,” Dev explained, putting his hands on Daniel. “But he is connected to our wife on a level most people can’t understand.”

“Nah, he’s human,” Dean said. “I read auras and his is perfectly human. Not that I’ve met many, but enough to know the difference between a human and a vamp. Summer’s mom is different, but not exactly like Summer is. She reminds me of my mom.”

“Daniel, why is your skin so warm?” Dev had his palm over Daniel’s neck. He slid it into the T-shirt Danny wore. “And your heart is beating oddly.”

I was about to touch him when the whole world seemed to go odd. Bile rose in my throat as the world around me seemed to bend in on itself. The ground felt like it shifted and I looked down. I suddenly wasn’t standing on fresh grass. There was marble beneath my feet and we weren’t alone. A host of what looked like sidhe were suddenly in my space. I say sidhe because of what they were wearing. Flowy gowns for the lithe, lovely ladies and tunics and pants for the long-haired men. I was in some sort of palace. And I was still here with my husbands. Arwyna flew to my shoulder, clinging there.

“Daniel,” Kelsey screamed over the sound of rushing wind. “You got the queen?”

Danny’s eyes had gone wide, but he immediately took my hand and reached for Dev’s. “I have her. What’s happening?”

“It’s the convergence,” Dean yelled. I wasn’t sure if he’d noticed, but Kelsey had moved to his side. She had a hand out like she was going to try to catch him if something went wrong. “It’s a bad one. Just breathe and we’ll be fine. Hopefully there won’t be a void.”

A void didn’t sound like a good thing at all. I found myself trapped between my husband’s bodies, their arms wrapping around me, trying to protect me. The wind was a terrible sound, and it seemed to rush in from all sides. I could see it was the same in that other place we found ourselves in. The men and women there were holding onto each other as well.

All except one. A woman stood strong and tall in the middle of what looked to be a ballroom or a meeting hall. She was wearing a simple gown that showed off her lithe figure, her honey-blonde hair on her head, and she stared straight at me, green eyes locking on mine. She Copyright 2016 - 2024