Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,115

as well. I give you back my host. He has much to tell you.” Lips kissed my forehead and it was Dev’s voice I heard. “Zoey. I missed you so much.”

“I missed you, too,” Kelsey said with a groan. “How do you do it, Your Highness? How do you deal with pissy men all day? I’m giving the babysitting duties right back to you. I’m the muscle. Let’s all remember that from here on out. Now, where’s the rest of the cavalry and how soon can we get home? I’ve got some planning to do. We’re going to need to figure out a way to keep that door open for a couple of days. Did you bring Trent?”

“Or Zack?” Dev looked around like he was expecting more people. “We need to talk, and we can’t actually leave this plane yet. Kelsey can take you home, but Daniel and I have a job to do.”

They were moving way too fast. I wiped the tears from my eyes. “Trent’s not here and neither is Zack. I hope they know what’s going on by now, but I can’t be certain. They weren’t in the room with us.”

“Of course they know, Z,” Daniel insisted. “Myrddin understands what to do. He’ll go directly to Zack. With Dev and I out of touch, Zack is the third in command. Well, normally he would call Marcus, but he knows Marcus is missing, too, so he’ll get Zack on it.”

I was surprised that Daniel hadn’t gotten his hands on Dev yet. I’d expected a nice reunion between the two of them since Danny had long ago abandoned any notions of shame when it came to our threesome. After so much turmoil, I expected Danny to be affectionate. But my vampire husband held back.

Kelsey stepped forward, her eyes going wide. “Myrddin?”

“Yes, I assumed he was the one who figured out it was the painting,” Dev said. “How did he manage to get you here? And why you, my goddess? Daniel, you should have left her at home. It’s not safe here.”

“I didn’t defy Danny to come to your rescue. I was perfectly willing to stay behind. I fell through the painting, too, and Myrddin led us right to it,” I explained.

“Uhm, it’s cool that you’re obviously all back together now, but does someone want to explain to me why there are two Summers?” The young man with the shock of blond hair fully got my attention with that question.

“Summer?” It felt like the whole world had gone still.

Dev put his hands on my shoulders. “Yes. I found her. Or rather she found me. She’s here on this plane and she’s so lovely. Dean is right. She looks very much like you. But Daniel, we need to find her. She’s been arrested, along with Marcus.”

“Arrested?” I was going to have a heart attack. I could feel one coming on.

“For stealing.” Kelsey had one brow raised over her left eye. Her extremely judgey brow.

“It might be a good thing since I believe it is the only reason Marcus didn’t violate our daughter,” Dev said with a whole lot of judgment of his own. “Now I understand part of Grayson’s prophecy, but I believe he got the intent of the wording wrong. When he said Summer is coming, I don’t think that’s what he meant.”

Kelsey snorted and normally I would have laughed, but my daughter was here. My daughter was here and apparently with Marcus.

“Are you telling me Marcus is trying to screw my thirteen-year-old daughter?” Daniel asked, baring his teeth.

But not his fangs. He was staying calm, and that was good because I was getting a little angry, too.

“Where is he?” I would see if that Italian’s dick grew back.

Kelsey’s hands had come up. “Whoa, parental units. Your girl’s way past the age of consent, and she seems to be right there with him. Dean, how old is Summer?”

“She always says she doesn’t really have an age, but according to her she spent seventeen years on her home plane and then roughly another eleven moving around,” Dean said. “She’s not that much older than me. If you’re her parents, you should deal with that vampire. He’s taking advantage of her. She’s far too young for him.”

“Marcus is two thousand years old,” Kelsey pointed out. “If he’s hanging out for a chick his age, the pickings are slim. And no one thought I was too young for him. Dev there practically pushed me into bed with him.”

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