Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,54

in three minutes.”

“I have all I need.” Zan said and stepped away from the terrorist.

The battle cruiser’s klaxon horn sounded, and a computerized voice announced, “Battle stations. All warriors report to your battle stations.”

A glittering blue light engulfed the terrorist. Poof! He was transported into the cold embrace of space.

“Shields are up. Brace for impact,” Trayon said, wrapping an arm around me.

“This is getting to be a regular occurrence,” I muttered.

Zarek smiled grimly. “Yes, it is.”

An explosion rocked the ship.

I looked up at Trayon. “Where are the kids?”

“In your father’s quarters.”

I started for the door.

Trayon pulled me back. “Soval needs a blood sample.”

“Fine.” I turned my attention to Soval. “Let’s get it done.”

Soval ran his scanner over me. “Your conversion is complete. Other than being a bit anemic, you are healthy.” Without any warning, he jabbed a pressure injector against my neck and triggered it.

I hissed in pain and rubbed the throbbing spot. “Next time give a girl some warning.” My right hand curled into a fist. “I don’t like surprises.”

“Take your blood sample and leave us,” Trayon instructed.

“As you command.” Soval quickly and painlessly drew my blood. “If there is any sign of fatigue, summon me immediately.”

“I’m not tired, I’m hungry and thirsty,” I complained.

Zarek handed me a glass of Merlot. “How did you know LoLin was a terrorist?”

“His aura.” I drained the glass and before I could get a refill at the food processer, Trayon took the glass away from me.

“No more.”

“But I’m still thirsty.”

“You need to eat first,” Trayon said firmly.

“A thick, bloody steak does sound good.”

“How do you feel about blood worms?” Trayon asked.

I wrinkled my nose. “Ugh.”

Zarek interjected, “Can you show me LoLin’s aura?”

“Sure.” I visualized his black aura. “Does that help?”

“It does. Your conversion has given you a new talent and has strengthened your other abilities.”

“It will be interesting to see how strong she will become,” Sariel commented.

Zan added, “Jones females always do the unexpected.”

“Yay us. Now can I get something to eat?”

Chapter Nineteen

Dinner turned into a war council. I ate my way through two steaks, three pieces of chocolate cake and four glasses of Merlot while they debated plans. I rolled my eyes when they settled on bombarding Denebola with the equivalent of nuclear bombs to drive Mallox and Giovanni out of hiding. Not only would the bombs kill every living thing on the planet, but I also doubted our evil scientists would make a run for it. I linked with Trayon. “Before you radiate the planet, why don’t you let me and Chiara search for their auras. If we locate them, you can send your tactical teams in.”

“An excellent idea. I will have your father bring Chiara to us.”

“Why don’t I go fetch her. I need to make sure Cason, Pepe and Adoz are okay. Oh, and make sure the twins haven’t webbed my dad to the wall.”

Trayon grimaced. “Go.”

“And since I’m faster than a speeding bullet now, I’ll get there in record time.

“Wait!” Sariel and Trayon called a second too late.

Everything blurred around me as I zoomed toward the door. The stupid door didn’t open in time. Thud! I bounced off and flew backwards.

Trayon caught me. “You need training before you can use hyper speed.”

“Ow!” I wiped at the blood flowing down my face. “Did I break my nose?” It sure felt like it.

“You did.”

“I have summoned Soval,” Sariel advised.

Jubal grinned at me. “Nice try.”


Zarek and Zan frowned at their scanners.

My internal alarm suddenly screamed bloody murder. Monsters and a lot of them were heading our way. “We have a Rodan fleet heading our way, don’t we?”

“We do. Their survival hinges on Mallox and Giovanni’s ability to create super soldiers and the mind-altering properties of Eugleanophyta,” Zan replied.

Merda! If the Rodan won, we’d be nothing more than livestock. “Chiara and I can plant more bombs in their engine rooms.”

“No,” Trayon growled. “Our fleet is sufficient to defeat them.”

A cold clamminess seeped into my veins. Yeah, but how many would die? The thought of life without Trayon made me ill. There had to be a better way to stop the Rodan.

Soval entered, took one look at my blood covered face, and sighed. “You tried hyper speed?”

“I did.” I held still as Soval ran a healing wand over my face. The throbbing pain in my nose vanished. “Thank you.”

Soval handed me a cleaning cloth. “It is my honor to serve you, but do not try hyper speed again until you have tentacles and the proper training.”

“I won’t. I learned my lesson.”

“Good.” Soval gave Copyright 2016 - 2024