Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,52

my mouth and our tongues tangled in a slow, erotic dance.

“Together. Forever. Not die,” I repeated and gasped as once again agony blasted up my body.

“Hear me. I chose you for your warrior’s heart. Your willingness to keep fighting, to never accept defeat. Fight, my lady, our journey has not even begun.”

The muscle-screaming torture hit me again. “Fight. Must. Fight. Won’t. Lose. Family.”

“You are my heart. Focus on me.” With a tantalizing tenderness Trayon’s hands stroked and caressed me. The sensation was like a thousand feathers skimming over me, creating a cascade of sensual ecstasy that numbed the gut-wrenching agony.

I moaned as Trayon used his tongue to lave my nipples. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

“Never. I have nine hundred and ninety-nine delights to show you.” Trayon slid erotically down my stomach and my breath hitched as his hot mouth closed over my clit. He suckled it until I thought my senses would implode. The pain vanished. Bliss reigned.

Several worried voices called, “Momma Jia?”

The children! I reached out to them. A whimper broke from me. It suddenly felt like my skin was being ripped off.

“The children are safe with your father. To complete the change, we must be as one.”

A tremor of fear hit me. Had I made the right decision? Could I live with the knowledge I was no longer human, but something other? Trayon’s comforting warmth enveloped me and I felt him kiss my forehead. God, I loved him. I’d been waiting for him my whole life. He filled that empty void inside me. “What are you waiting for? Finish it.”

“As my lady commands.” Trayon’s lips covered mine hungrily.

His muscles rippled and bunched beneath my touch. I arched against him, rubbing my breasts against his chest. I met him kiss for kiss. Caress for caress. His cock pushed into me, creating a delicious friction as he filled me. “God! Oh God!” Everything coiled inside me. Heat. Want. Need. So much need.

Trayon’s decadent mouth never stopped licking, nibbling, nipping. “I love the way you taste. How responsive you are to mental stimulation.” On cue, his tentacles stroked my anus and clit simultaneously.

Tiny jolts of delight rocked me. My hips rose to meet the plunge of his body. Our souls were joined forever.

“Come for me.” Trayon’s testicles slapped against my aching skin as he thrust deeper and deeper until we were as one. I wrapped my legs around him, drawing him closer. He was without mercy as he drove me over the edge again and again until multiple orgasms wracked me.

Bellowing his war cry, Trayon’s body convulsed violently as his hot seed jettisoned into me.

Euphoria burst over me. It was done. The pain was gone and while my body still quivered from the aftershocks of great sex, I felt whole. “A thousand nights will never be enough.”

“I agree.”

I twitched as my scalp suddenly itched like crazy. A horrified gasp escaped me when my fingers encountered bumps of flesh. That couldn’t be good. I grabbed Trayon. “I have lumps on my head. Did something go wrong?”

Trayon cupped my face in his hands and kissed me gently. “No, everything is as it should be. You are Askole.”

“But the lumps…”

“Are tentacle buds.”

“Am I going to lose my hair?” I wailed.

“Tihar’s mate did not.” He touched his gauntlet and a picture of a red-headed woman appeared. Her gray skin was lightly scaled, tentacles protruded from her hair and she had deadly looking fangs.

“Oh, she’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” Trayon handed me a mug filled with an amber liquid. “Drink.”

“What is it?”

“Medicine. Drink.”

I took a sip and wrinkled my nose. “It tastes like toilet water.”

“Drink it.” Trayon gave me his ‘I am the Commander, and you will obey me look’. “Now.”

“Fine.” I gulped it down and grimaced. “Ugh.” My stomach rumbled. I felt like I could eat a horse “I’d love a plate of spaghetti and a giant glass of Merlot.”

Trayon picked me up. “Shower first, then food.”

“Ok.” I did stink like three-day old roadkill.

Several lights flashed on Trayon’s gauntlet.

“I think someone is trying to get ahold of you.”

“They want to know if you survived.”

“Was there any doubt?”


My eyebrows rose in surprise. “Seriously?”

“There were some unexpected side effects.” Trayon hugged me tightly. “I almost lost you.”

“But you didn’t and you’re squishing me,” I squeaked.

Trayon loosened his grip and placed me in the shower. “The entire ship felt your pain.”

“What? How horrible. Not to mention embarrassing. Dear Lord, the kids!”

“Zarek and your father shielded them.”

My shoulders sagged in relief. “I must thank them.”

The door chimed.

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