Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,43

Trayon, the eavesdropper, advised.

How had I gotten so lucky? I gave him a slow, mental kiss. “I love you.”

“And I you.”

Zarek interjected, “Or I can mute their memories. They won’t forget what happened, but it will no longer affect them as strongly.”

“Mute them, please.” I felt Zarek’s power brush over the children and as I watched, Cason fell asleep in the Overlord’s arms. The twins, Adoz and Pepe began chasing each other around the bed. The shadows vanished from Chiara’s eyes and she joined in the merriment. Who knew snakes could slither that fast?

“The incident at Sutri still troubles you,” Zarek said out-of-the-blue.

I winced. How much of my mind had he read? “People died because of me.” The awful memories of that day flooded my mind. The once bustling town was an incinerated ruin. Butchered corpses littered the streets. Marauders and fighter jets battled overhead as panic-stricken people ran for their lives.

A harsh laugh broke from me. “A Tai-Kok attacked me. Imagine my surprise when a glowing green orb formed on my hand and I used it to kill him. Then another monster tried to eat me and another and another. I just kept hurling energy balls, until my strength was gone. I didn’t want to be eaten so I ran.”

“Your actions allowed hundreds to escape.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “I could have saved more lives, but I chose to live.”

“Your powers were gone, and you had no weapons. Dying would have accomplished nothing,” Zarek stated.

Trayon asked, “How many people have you saved since then?”

“A dozen or so.”

“You have saved eight hundred and thirty-two humans, not including the street kids you rescued,” Zarek said.

“That many?” I felt him mucking about in my mind. “What are you…?” The battle for Sutri faded away along with my soul-eating guilt. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off me. A part of me was angry with his interference. Another part of me welcomed it. I was tired of the nightmares. “Thank you.”

Zarek handed Cason to me. “You are part of my family now. Gratitude is not necessary. I will arrange a playdate for Thor and Haki and your children.”

Playdate? Zarek had definitely been hit in the head and I wasn’t quite sure who Haki was. “Thor’s Kaylee and Talree’s son, right?”

“Yes, he needs more social interaction with other children.”

That sounded a bit ominous, but Cason was unique, and he’d need powerful friends. “Thank you, I’m sure the children would enjoy that.”

“Excellent.” He teleported away.

I got myself another glass of Merlot and checked on the kids. All the excitement had worn them out. They were curled up in a big pile on the bed and not a blood worm in sight.

The door chime sounded again. My stomach dropped. It was Sariel. What did he want? I tapped the release button, and the High Commander strode in. “Trayon isn’t here.”

“I am aware of that.” His gaze fell on the children. “Zarek has officially made himself the children’s godfather.”

“That’s very kind of him.”

Sariel’s smile was a little too toothy. “Kind? It was a political move. He likes to have some measure of control over all the Jones females.”

“Maybe, but you’re the one who paid six times the bride price for me,” I countered.

“Female warriors are rare.”

“Not on Earth.”

“I will admit, your species is unique.” Sariel’s tentacles seemed to be staring at me.

Was he trying to freak me out? Cause it was working. “I know you think I’m child-sized and weak, but I’m not. And Trayon’s wealth isn’t the reason I agreed to mate with him.”

Sariel’s eyes narrowed. “No, you did it to keep the Rodan spawn safe.”

“Are you afraid Cason’s going to taint the Askole bloodline?”

“No. Askole blood will overcome the child’s puny Rodan genes. With the proper training Cason will be a formidable warrior.”

Huh? Sariel sounded almost proud of that fact.

“Guard the Shani carefully. Many will try to take her from you, including Zarek,” Sariel said.

“Chiara’s part of our family. I won’t let that happen and I don’t think Trayon or you will either.”

“Any who try to take her will bring the wrath of the Askole Empire down on them,” Sariel drawled ominously.

One look at the remorseless malevolence in his gaze and I believed him.

Whoosh! Moving faster than the eye could follow, Sariel grabbed me and stuck my hand in his mouth.

“Hey! What are you doing? Let go.” I yelped when he bit my index finger. His forked tongue licked up the blood. “If you’re hungry I can order you a meal.”

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