Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,28

throbbed as I was impaled on his thick cock. “Holy Mary Mother of God!” I gasped. “You’re too big.”

“You will take every inch of me.” He flexed his hips and I gasped as the delicious slide of his flesh sent pleasure sizzling through me. He withdrew and drove forward with a steady rhythm.

I could still feel his tentacles stroking my anus and clit simultaneously. How was that possible? Was mental sex part of the thousand delights? A throaty mewl escaped me as the delicious friction in my ass combined with Trayon’s hard thrusts. Ripples of white-hot ecstasy had me thrashing beneath him.

Trayon bit my neck. “Mine.”

I moaned as a brain jelling climax hit. I couldn’t move as spasm after spasm shook me. These thousand delights would be the death of me, but what a way to go.

Trayon took my mouth in a hot opened-mouth kiss. “You are perfect. All the warriors will envy me.”

After Toothless and his goon’s reactions to a soft skin, I found that hard to believe. I patted his chest. “You do know how to show a girl a good time, but I don’t think I’ll be able to walk for the next week.”

He kissed my nose. “You are becoming Askole. You will heal faster and become stronger.”

I perked up. “Am I going to get taller?”

A rumbling laugh broke from Trayon. “No, you will not.” He stroked my neck. “You now carry my mark.”


He grabbed a mirror off the side table and held it out to me.

I took it. Small green tribal markings encircled my neck. “Is this the Askole version of an ownership band?”

“It is a symbol of our love,” Trayon said quickly.

“You and the Coletti have a lot in common.”

“We both cherish our mates.”

I snorted. “Too much testosterone and you think you’re the masters of the universe.”

“We are.”

The battle cruiser’s klaxon horn sounded, and a computerized voice announced, “Battle stations. All warriors report to your battle stations.” To my amazement, I now understood Askole gobbledygook. “What’s wrong?”

Trayon tapped his gauntlet. “Rodan ships are approaching.” His armor formed around him. “I am needed on the bridge.”

“What can I do?”

Pulling a black belt off the wall, he fastened it around my waist and hit the control button. Snikt. Schlik. Schlik. Schlik. Schlik. Black armor formed around me. “Protect the children. Your gauntlet is in the second drawer of your closet’s storage area.” Whoosh! He zoomed out the door.

I gave a little yip of excitement. I had never been able to steal one. With a gleeful smile, I hurried over to the closet and slid open the drawn. The gold gauntlet was a high-tech wonder with all sorts of useful gadgets. I hit a button and the armor disappeared from my left arm. I removed my old comm-link and fastened the new one on. One tap and it meshed with my body armor. Awesome!

Glowing red eyes stared at me. I jumped about a foot until I realized I was looking at myself in a full-length mirror. My helmet resembled the jackal headed God Anubis. The demon eyes were scary as hell, but I loved them.

The black battle armor made me look like a badass warrior. I did a roundhouse kick followed by a lunging punch. The armor fit perfectly and was effortless to move in. The heads-up display reminded me of the vid games the kids loved to play. With my new knowledge the battle computer was simple to use and provided an easy flow of visual data and tactical information. It also showed me where Bey and the kids were.

“Momma?” Cason peered warily from his crib.

I touched the gauntlet and the helmet melted away. “It’s me. Your father gave me this armor for protection. Do you like it?”

Cason gurgled and held his arms out.

I picked him up. “Let’s go find your brothers and sister.”

Chapter Nine

As soon as I showed up at Bey’s quarters, he skittered past me. “I am needed on the bridge.”

“To do what?” I yelled after him. “Hurl web balls at the Rodan ships? I’m sure they’ll be properly terrified.”

Bey raised a leg in the air.

Had he had just given me the Tabor version of the one finger salute?

Pepe and Adoz busily sniffed my armor. LooLoo and LeeLee zoomed up my body to the tip of the pointed ears and giggled. I let out a sigh. Who knew spiders could giggle?

Chiara curled around my leg and stared up at me anxiously. “I am sensing many Rodan ships.”

“Father Trayon will deal with them.”

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