Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,22

go in there.”

“I have seen battle scenes with less blood,” Trayon groused.

“Did you know baby Tabors are taught how to program food replicators?”

“I was not aware of that fact.”

“I want to have a talk with whoever came up with that bright idea. The evil twins decided they wanted to sample blood worms while I was introducing the concept of a shower to Cason. Who, by the way, hates water. A lot.”


“LeeLee and LooLoo agreed blood worms taste nasty. I caught them doing a wonderful impression of Tarzan on crack as they webbed twelve dozen blood worms to every surface they could find.”

“Who is this Tarzan?”

“A story for another time. The point is Adoz and Pepe joined in the fun too. I gestured around the room. “And wa-lah! Mass destruction.”

“The blood in the shower came from you bathing them?”

I plucked a piece of blood worm off LeeLee’s head and fed it to Cason. “More like my attempt to bathe them. Adoz’s not fond of water either. As I was chasing him down his wings flung bloody gunk in every direction. At the same time, Pepe was having the time of his life rolling around in the crud.” I dropped my head back on the bed. “Not fun and I never, ever want to do that again.” A worm smacked my pillow.

Cason pounced on it.

I patted his back. “Good baby.”

He looked at me hopefully. “More?”

Ugh. “Later.”

Trayon typed away on his gauntlet. “I have summoned Bey. He needs to take charge of LeeLee and LooLoo.”

“You no fun,” LeeLee groused.

Trayon picked up the evil twins and held them at eye level. “You, Adoz, Pepe, and Chiara are cleaning this mess up.”

My God, he sounded like a dad.

“I did not participate,” Chiara protested from her spot on the pillow.

“Nor did you try to stop them.”

Chiara curled into a little ball. “I did not. I have never been around alien lifeforms before and had no idea what the proper etiquette was.”

“Webbing blood worms to the walls is wrong in any culture,” Trayon replied and pointed to the baby Draconic that was perched on my head. “You will instruct Adoz on what needs to be done.”

“Yes, Father Trayon.”

His paws over his head, Pepe whimpered, “Me sorry.”

I rolled my eyes. Now he was sorry? The little scamp had led me on a merry chase.

Placing the Tabors on the walls, Trayon turned his attention to me. “Have you eaten?”

“Too tired to eat.”

“You will go to the mess hall and eat. I will deal with this.” Trayon removed Adoz from my head.

Sitting up, I gestured at my wet and bloody clothes. “I look like a refugee from a zombie attack.”

Trayon touched his gauntlet. Click. A wall slid back to reveal an assortment of tunic tops, leggings, underwear, and boots. The colors ranged from black to blue to purple and a lovely green. “I have provided you with the proper clothing.”

“You know my size?” And when had he bought them?

“I know everything about you.”

God, I hoped not. “How?”

“Our minds our linked.”

Okay, now I was freaked out. I scrambled off the bed. “Then why don’t I know everything about you?”

“We must do a mind meld for that to occur.”

Alarm knotted my stomach. “And when is that going to happen?”

“Soon.” Swish. Swish. Swish. Trayon flicked his claws, shredding my tee-shirt, jeans, and underwear. The pieces fell to the floor.

Merda! I glanced down at my body. There wasn’t a scratch on me. I glared at him. “You could have killed me.”

“I am not a youngling with poor control.” Trayon’s gaze roved over my body. “Your form is very pleasing.”

Fighting down the urge to cover myself, I blurted out sarcastically, “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.” I toed off my boots and hurriedly dressed. Everything fit perfectly right down to my bra. I ran my hand over the velvety fabric. “Very nice. Thank you.”

“My mate wears only the best.” Trayon planted directions to the mess hall in my head. “Go eat. Have a glass of Merlot.”

“You have Merlot?”

“Yes, and Zinfandel.”

My favorites. No one had ever spoiled me before. I could get used to it. Adoz latched onto my shoulder and chirped mournfully.

“He thinks you are abandoning us,” Chiara said.

I stroked Adoz’s soft fur. “I would never do that.”

“Promise?” The fear in Chiara voice brought tears to my eyes.

“I promise.” I scooped her up and kissed her scaly little head. “We might be different species, but we’re family.”

Chiara rubbed against my face. “Thank you, Mother Jia.”

Trayon plucked Adoz and Chiara off my shoulders. Copyright 2016 - 2024