Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,12

Neither do we.”

“Pepe’s not a pet, he’s my friend. And for your information Zarek wasn’t giving me to a Coletti warrior. The bastard was turning me over to an Askole by the name of Trayon,” I corrected.

Loki stiffened. “Are you sure he said Trayon?”

“I’m positive.” I flashed the image of the sheep petting Askole to Loki. “Do you know him?”

“Yes.” Loki stepped backed as if I had suddenly become radioactive. “We are acquainted. He is the Askole High Commander’s youngest son.”

“High Commander as in the head honcho?”

A calculating expression filled Loki’s eyes. “I am sure they will offer a reward for your return.”

And the idiot would jump at the chance to collect it. “You promised you would help me free Adam. Were you lying?”

“We do not have a formal contract.”

I gritted my teeth. “You failed to mention that I needed one.”

“Your ignorance of the laws is not a valid complaint,” Loki retorted.

I’d fry his ass, but I didn’t know how to pilot a spaceship. “I thought you needed me to steal an object for you?”

“I must discuss this with my brothers.” Loki abruptly shoved me into a small cell and touched a control panel. Snap! A shimmering yellow energy field appeared.


Totally ignoring me, Loki strode off.

Merda! I was such a fool. I let my need to save Adam cloud my judgment. The thought of being forcibly mated to some freaky alien gave me the heebie-jeebies.

Pepe looked up at me. “Want me to eat him Momma?”

“Not yet, sweetie.” I kissed his head. “But soon.” I hated weasels. Loki hadn’t taken my weapons, so I assumed there was a suppression field. Escaping the cell would be easy enough, but that didn’t get me any closer to finding Adam.

“I give you my word, I will find your brother, kill the one known as Giovanni, and destroy the Rodan base,” a growly voice suddenly announced.

Alarm swirled through me and I spun around looking for the source. No one was there. Merda! He was in my head. How were all these aliens getting past my mental shields? “That’s what Loki promised too, and it was a lie.”

“I never lie.” Ghostly fingers caressed my cheek. “Know this soft skin. I will protect you and the small furry one.”

“My name is Jia not soft skin, and I don’t need protection. I can take care of myself. Who are you and what do you want?”

“I am Trayon. I have come for you.”

Cazzo! It was the sheep petting Askole. “I’m not sure what Zarek promised you, but I’m not looking for a mate. So, go away.”

“I cannot. You are my chosen. It is my duty to care for you.”

I threw my hand up in the air “We’ve never even met. How can I be your chosen?”

“Your mind readily accepts mine and soon so will your body.”

“No! Not happening. Ever.”

“Once the mating dance has begun it cannot be stopped,” Trayon stated calmly.

“Arrrgh!” I banged my head against the wall. “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.”

“What’s wrong Momma?”

“Men who don’t take no for an answer and refuse to listen to reason.”

“Me listen.”

“Yes, you do, sweetie.” I switched my attention to the idiot Askole. “What did they do? Show you a picture of me and wham bam you suddenly know I’m your soulmate? How is that even possible? Mental osmosis?”

Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! The floor pitched violently, throwing me off my feet. “Are you attacking us?”

“No. We are still a light year away.”

An alarm began to wail, and some alien gibberish sounded from the speaker. Probably warning everyone the ship was under attack. Duh.

I mentally scanned the other vessel. The lifeforms weren’t Askole or Coletti or Rodan.

“They are Nal Rishi pirates. A human female is a valuable commodity.” Fury filled Trayon’s voice as he shouted commands to his crew, “Battle stations. Go to warp twelve. Squad Rio prepare to board an enemy vessel.”

Kaboom! Kaboom! It was like being on a wild carnival ride. I hung on for dear life. Trayon wasn’t going to make it in time.

Pepe whimpered.

“Sssh. It’s okay. I won’t let them hurt you.” Of course, if we had a hull breach, we’d all be dead, and it would be a moot point. C ’est la vie.

The walls creaked and groaned ominously. Clank! More alien gibberish spouted from the speaker. The lights flickered, the gravity field failed, and we were suddenly floating. Cazzo! “I think we are being boarded, Trayon.”

“We are fifteen of your minutes out. Delay them.”

“I can do that.”

Trayon vanished from my mind.

Pepe growled. “Male comes.”

I could sense him too. The Copyright 2016 - 2024